The Glitch (Dark Pit x Villian!Reader)

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I walked towards the dark angel. But, I stepped on a small branch which made a small "Snap!" sound, which alerted the dark angel.

"Who's there!?" He prepared an arrow and aimed to wherever he heard the sound. Alright, let's see how this plays.

"Hiya there!" I 'glitched' behind him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched and quickly moved away from me. I didn't expect this kind of response coming from him.

"Who are you?" I asked all innocently as I glitched beside him. Again, he flinched and took a few steps away from me.

"No, I think that the question is, who are you?!" He kinda shouted, even if we were like, 1 meter away from each other.

"Well, I'll answer your question if you answer mine first." I said.

"Why should I?" He gave me this cold stare.

"Cause I asked first!" I answered all sweetly.

"Geez...this girl almost sounds like Pit..." He whispered to himself, but since I'm a glitch, I can hear it all loud and clear. But, I'll pretend that I never heard that. "The name's Dark Pit."

"I think that the name Dark Pit is a mouthful. Do you have a nickname?" I asked. As I heard the light angel from before, I guess his nickname is Pittoo?

"No nicknames please. Just call me Dark Pit." He still gave me this cold stare. "Well? How about answer my question."

"My name's (Y/N), and I'm a glitch!" I covered my mouth after I said the last part. Shoot! I wasn't supposed to tell him that!

"Glitch? Like an almost-broken part of a game?" He stared at me suspiciously. Well, there's no need to hide it from him. Let's just make up a fake back story.

"Well, yeah. I was supposed to be a new character for the smash roster, but I broke. So they just left me in these woods. And now, I live here." I explword.

"Oh, okay. Now could you just leave me alone?" He turned his back and started to walk.

"Wha- hey! Wait!" I pulled on the tip of his toga to make him stop walking.

"What now?" He turned his head back with an annoyed look on his face.

"I can help you train! I have some good battle tips and stuff, so yeah! You can make any opponent fly off the battlefield in an instant!" I lied, just to make him stay for my plan to work.

At first, he didn't say anything. But then, he nodded his head in agreement. Neat! He took the bait!

We agreed to meet the day after. He proposed that I'll train him everyday. And I said that he should tell all about each character in the smash roster, since I was curious. And we shook on it.


Day after day, I kept seeing this glitch girl. And she gives out good battle tips. In exchange, I just have to tell stuff about each character in the smash roster.

Simple agreement, and it seems to benefit the both of us.

"So who exactly is this Pit guy anyway? He looks kinda like you." She asked me.

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