Chapter 20: Loud silence

Start from the beginning

"What's up?"

"I want to talk." I walk over and lean against the railing he was sitting on. He offers me a cigarette.

"So talk."

"Tony, come on. You know nothing would happen between me and McKenna. You took what you saw completely the wrong way. Yes I care about her. Yes I find her attractive. I know that at the end of the day, she wants you though. No matter what I say to her. Her heart yearns for you. That day she asked me to take her to your father I didn't hesitate. You can be mad at me too, but she was genuinely doing something out of her heart for you. I would do it and whatever else she asks of me all over again and in the blink of an eye. You're both moping around here. The environment is different. Ever since her being here she has made this place fun and warm. You helped make her transition here easy, and she felt apart of us. It's starting to feel like how it did when she was first taken. Now, you two are both being stubborn and won't admit your wrongs. Put aside your pride and talk to her. Quit being mad at the world and taking it out on her."

He puffs on the last bit of his cigarette and puts it out. He pats me on the back and hops of the railing and walks inside.

Currently...(McKenna's POV)

Days fly by and Tony still doesn't speak to me. The tension was unreal. How long was he going to be mad at me?

JR calls a meeting. We all gather in the garage hangout. On the table in the center, JR lays out a map. It had a bunch of red markings all on it.

"Alright, it appears we will be doing this drop without the help of the Ombra Scuras. That's alright. I'm confident our wits will double our strength. We just need to be well prepared for the worst."

Everyone looks around at each other. Worry flashes across their faces.

JR notices, "Come on now, none of that. We got this. We are on one of the strongest mafia families from Europe to New York. I believe in the men sitting in this room. We may not have the numbers but we have strengths they will never have. No man will be left behind this time. We are going to need every bit of arms we got. I will however divide us up between negotiators and watchers. Negotiators will include myself, Tony, Max, Steve, Jonathan, McKenna, Mark. The rest of you I need as watchers. You stand at your designated post here. At any sign of funny business you give the alert leave no room for hesitation. Terrell, you will be responsible for McKenna. I want her removed immediately if anything happens."

He points out everyone's position on the map. I look over at Terrell. He was a well built, dark skinned man. I always see him with the others but he's never really spoke to me. He crosses his arms against his chest and I could see the muscles expand in his arms. He sees me looking and smiles at me.

"Why can't I help?" I ask pleadingly.

I see Tony's head snap up in the corner of my eye.
JR notices as well and directs a harden face at me, "McKenna, you know I can't have that. I don't ask for much and I do consider you apart of this family, but you're my daughter. I can't concentrate on helping to protect my men if I'm worried about my daughter's safety. You're first priority."

"So, I get to go and be a voice but I don't get to assist the people I care about if something goes down? That's ridiculous."

JR's face turns red, his voice reaches a tone I haven't heard, "I'm not having this discussion with you. I'm doing this for you. Once you experience half of what we have you will be grateful."

I sit back and admit defeat. JR goes on about the company we are meeting with. The Gorman Corp. Doesn't sound very intimidating but apparently they are well worth this drop and are a top end industry. They have only done business with them one time before and it definitely made an impression. He continues on with the guys about the distribution of the products after the drop. He goes to dismiss the meeting but remembers something else and stops us all.

"In the mean time I want our weapons inventoried and prepared. McKenna, I will have Max and Tony work with you on defensive tacts and weaponry usage." Speaking of tacts, JR, trying to force me and Tony to have to speak to each other.

Besides, weaponry usage? I don't even feel comfortable holding a gun. He could see the worry come across my face.

"I won't use a weapon. You know that. I won't hurt anyone. I can't hurt anyone."

JR smiles reassuringly. "It's just in case the moment arrises, you need to be prepared. Anything can happen. Better safe than sorry. You want to assist us? Well, that may require you using force."

JR dismisses the meeting and everyone scatters back out to what they were doing. Tony walks over to the car the guys have been working on. It seems they abandoned it mid-project. He begins to tinker on it. I hesitate in my chair waiting for everyone to leave the room. Once it cleared out, I get up and I cautiously make my way over to Tony.

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