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In a town such as West Ham like any other town but different, Same obnoxious Teens with bad habits and family problems and rich kids with bad attitudes who think they run it. But add a smell, So bad that it could that their driving kids and families out of the city away from it until it clears. But of course I personally no nothing about this town and its smell because I just moved here 2weeks ago And My first day at school wasn't everything but it wasn't as bad as my last school.....

"Hey babe" Campbell which at the time was my boyfriend "I thin- i-i-i think we should break up" I studdered "Ok" He said and he walked off the end if the day I was so scared be his recent actions from him killing animals including My dog to trying to drown me in a 5 ft deep pool and now I have no idea what he'll do to me I waited til everyone left then walked out but as soon as I turned the coner he stood there waiting he grabbed and kissed my lips kissing down my neck making me moan when he stopped I looked at he stabbed me in the arm dragging it down the blood tricked down and he kiss me once again "I love but don't make it hard for me" He said walking away Falling yo the ground I cryed "Why! Why me"
*Back to present time*
So after my crazy experience with Campbell I never had a boyfriend again but after I moved from place to place until My dad moved me and my sister Jose here to West ham "So you excited for the trip- no parents!!!" She swelled "Yay I don't care just no sex,and no boys"I said " You can't tell me what to do With my life okay not until you get a boyfriend" She said then quickly covered her mouth relizing her mistake "Omg wait im sorry i didn't" but it was to late I had my back pack and was out the door to school I had friends well my Associates people I say hey and bye. Im an outsider a loner And not because of Campbell but because at a very young age I lost my mom She was 18 when she had me and now im 17 she die right before my 5th birthday at the age of 23 from heart failure sadly I understood that at a young age and It broke me inside and out. "Hey! Jolene wake up" My sister shouted in my face as we walked "Look im sorry I didn't mean for It to go down like that" "Look it's over and done with okay I maybe will or maybe wont ever forgive Campbell but it not about him I just don't want you to get thrown into something your not ready for" I said once we reached the building "Hey Jol, hey Jos3333!!!!!" Cassandra said hugging us both "Hey" I said with a shake breath. I don't know why but ever sents the thing with campbell Im bad at trusting people, not only guys but EVERYONE! "Come on losses the ropes Campbell's gone" Jose said "You promised- you promised you'd never bring up that name-" "Wait Campbell I've heard that name are yall talking about sammy's brother Campbell Elliot?" Cassandra asked "Wait -Wait he's he-he's-he's here" I shuddered "Yeah" she said confused "Jolene?"A familiar voice just so happens to speak I slowly but surely trun to face this person. " Hey! Baby!" He said sounding excited He came to hug me but I pushed him way "Come on don't make a scene-" he was cut off by Jose "Go away creep" By then everyone was starring He just ignored her "Wait-" He continued to try and hug me but Cassandra step in between me and him while Jose hugged me say i'd be okay. "Take the hint Campbell she's just not into you any more" She said "Fuck you and Your stuipd sister Bitch!" He shouted "All girls are wack" But We just walked off to our lockers. I had seven class, Math with Jose, Science and History with Cassandra, Spanish with Will, Cassandra, and Allie, Then there's lunch but Its not excatly a class, Arts with Campbell but Will said he'd try to get his classes changed, Geography with Campbell. Why me ughhhh!!!!
At lunch
"So how was class with Campbell" Allie said "Uh Fine" I said "I tried but principal Yung Said No Im sorry " Will Apologized "It's fine i know thanks but the whole time he just stared at me so hard like if stares could kill my face would be split in half" I exaggerated. They laughed but it quicky stopped when a hand sat still on my shoulder I turn around and my smile fades "So What you leave me in texas then come here and don't even talk to me" He said I wanted to cry but the whole lunch room was staring So I just blinked back the tears "You know what you did , and shouldn't have then and will not now put up with You any longer" I said getting up but he pushes me back down into the seat his hand now pressing into my shoulder "So your saying you don't love me?"He said making himself cry for show " Hwo dare you lie Did love you But- " I looked around and whispered "You kill my dog and tried to kill me do you need not remember do I have to show you the scar" I said pulling up my sleave "Wow nice make up - You the biggest lier i've ever seen" He said That when I really lost it "You know what why don't we have a little you know lunch play" I said pulling out my blade I had recnetly used to cut my other arm with "Come on huh show them" he grabbed the knife "What you going to do huh stabbed draw the blood you asshole KILL ME! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I was hurt and broken and Just seeing him walk around like he cared about me really hurt me "Come its okay" Jose said pulling my hand "No! Damn That" i shouted "Kill me please do it i'd be happier and if you'd cared About me you'd want me happy right" He slung it across the room and it just so happens to slit my wrist Will grabs me carrying me to the nurse's office out of the lunch room. I just kept crying because I was beat, brused, hurt, and broken, I truly loved Campbell But it's like He saw it but just got jealous and he did crazy things and beat people up and got suspended, But it's like he sees love but just can't or won't feel and except it.

Hi thansk for reading I probably sound werid but anyway did you like I think it was kindA cheese-E but let me know in the Comments

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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