Chapter 20: Distant

Start from the beginning

Just what is it that I really want in life?

I lived this way of thinking until that day.

It was almost winter and I was 13 years old walking down the usual road from my middle school to my house alone. Usually, while there was a school bus to take me home, I just preferred to walk home because it was another way for me to let off some steam from my mundane school days. It would have been the same monotonous day until I saw a group of boys dragging someone to the park that I was about to pass through. I was hoping that I could just ignore them and move on. But I didn't. Because when I took a closer look at the person they were dragged into the park, I saw that it was Kazuki, who was 7-years-old at the time, and was covered in bruises and dirt all over his face, arms, and clothes.

When I saw him and those boys, I began to wonder if it had something to do with his problems at that time. Ever since he'd started school, he often came home from primary school with bruises and a few bandages on his face. Mom became very worried whenever she saw him in that state and tended his injuries. When I passed them by one day, I witnessed her asking him if he was having trouble with school lately. However, Kaz just responded with no and yet, before I knew what happened, I just saw him frown as tears began to flow from his eyes.

I wanted to walk away and avoid any conflict. But just remembering him with his tears and depressed state made me stop and stare at my brother as the bullies forced him inside the park. I wanted to help him in any way I could, but was it worth it to do so? I'd ignored Kazuki for so long that I barely even knew him that time. I didn't want to get involved with those bullies, but how could I just ignore that after seeing my own brother in that state?

I didn't have much of a choice. I changed directions and silently followed them into the park. From there, I began to learn about Kazuki's plight. I kept silent as I watched from behind a tree as the boys pushed Kaz to the ground while the boy with a black backpack spoke up first.

"You're a real doofus, Palmer. It must be because you have that stupid name in the first place. I mean, Kazuki? Just what kind of mother did anyone call you "Kaz-ugly"?"

"Nah, "Kaz-ugly" doesn't sound very good. How about "Kabby"? Maybe his parents should call him that instead?"

"Yeah. Not to mention you're such a wimp at everything. I can't blame you that you're too slow at PE and jungle gyms."

"Not to mention how clumsy you are whenever you try to leave school, can't even walk a few steps without tripping over the sidewalk. At least, that's what the rumors say about you. I wonder what your parents are like."

"Hey, he has a brother. But I doubt he's all that brotherly to him anyways. The only time he ever mentioned him was on the first day of school, and he's never showed up to stop us. Maybe, in reality, your brother doesn't care at you at all. Maybe you did something to make him hate you, such as being born in the first place? Come on, spit it out!"

Ugh, those insults were bad enough, but just the mention of my family, including myself in one of them was enough to drop my backpack and marched towards the bullies. I didn't think twice when I did nor did I question why I was doing this. Because of this, I did something that I'd never done before until then. I just intervened. No second thoughts. I just pushed the leader of the bullies away from Kazuki while blocking their path from him. Secretly, I was a bit shocked at what I'd just done. I was even shocked when I heard my brother whimper and turned to see him staring at me with those wide green eyes of his. Yet at the same time, I felt relieved and angry. It was that feeling that made me wake up from my life of questions.

Of course, he didn't like it very much. The leader rubbed his shoulder and shouted, "H-Hey, what's with you?! Can't you see we're b-"

I didn't let him finish. I just gave them a death glare that would scare even the most aggressive dog away, which was enough to silence them in fear.

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