Sebastian Stan X FTM trans guy

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This is written as a trans guy not accepted by his family (using my name and pronouns as I can't live my true self irl I can do it here and in dreams. 😂) You are in your later teen years (15-18) and Seb is his age. So there will be a brotherly relationship going on. 
Maybe some triggering things in here so read at risk. And please enjoy.

Leo pov

What the fuck is this. My mother doesn't expect me to wear this does she? She knows how much I hate being seen as a female and she decides to but me a pink poofy dress to go out to dinner in.
I want to cry. Cry and never stop. Sleep and never wake.
"D/N sweetie?"
She did it again. Called me the name I hate. The one I want to change. The person I want to throw away and forget they ever existed.
"Are you getting ready to go out. Of you hurry up I'll have time to do your makeup. I would do your hair but you chopped it all off" ugh just the way she talks to me like I'm a little girl gets on my nerves.
"I'm coming mum. I can't wear makeup though. My eyes feel a little irritated." I lied. Partially.
I walked out of the room with fake confidence being in a dress. It made me feel so bad. It made me feel so dysphoric. I hated it. I hated this.
"Aw babe you look so pretty. You'll sure have many young lads swooning for you" she said 'and many ladies with that haircut' she added under her breath angrily.
"Are we ready to go then I don't feel so good so the quicker this is over the quicker I can rest."

Time skip bought to you by the following image.

We had just finished eating our meal and I was sitting in the corner of the booth, curling in on myself as much as possible. I wanted to go home. But nooo. My mother decided it would be a great idea to get us all up on the dance floor. This was torture. Having everyone stare at me. Pretending to be someone I'm not. I'll say it again. I hated it. We danced along to a few dances before I decided I'd had enough so I told my mum I was going for a breather and went and sat in an empty booth. I was sat in there for a few minutes before one of the entertainment staff came up and started talking to me."hey, you look uncomfortable this evening, is there any way I can help?"he asked guenuinly caring "Not really" I replied quietly.
"No that's okay. I've got a special guest for later in tonight and he is getting bored out the back waiting so I will send him out and he can keep you company. If that's cool with you?"
"Yeah. No that's fine."
"Awesome so I'll go and get him. For you. Nice speaking to you. Laters"
I was just say their waiting when someone came up behind me and said
"Mat told you I was bored and was going to send me out to you? You cool with that?"
I turned around and glanced at the gentleman.
"Yeah that's me" I muttered.
"Cool." He moved around the table and sat down across from me. As he sat down I looked at him and gasped. The man was Sebastian Stan.
"Hi I'm Sebastian Stan. You may or may not know me but yeah. Call me Seb"
Omg I was sat here talking to THE Sebastian Stan, the ma who has unknowingly saved my life in multiple occasions. And I was sat here in a fucking dress. Could this day get any worse. He would now see me as the person who I'm made to be.
"Are you okay? You spaced out for a bit"
"Yeah it's nothing much."
"Do you want to talk about it. I have like an hour until I'm due up" he says looking at his watch.
What do I say to him. Shall I tell him everything. Shall I just brush it off. What if he is homophobic. What if he converses with my family and finds out what a freak I am.
I can feel warm wet tears cascading down my - wait when did I start crying. This is embarrassing. I wiped my face over and looked up at Seb. He looked concerned.
"Are you sure you are okay. What's worrying you? I may be able to help."
I broke down and told him everything. From my family not accepting me and dressing me in horrendous clothing to how he has saved my life.
By the end of it my face was soaked and I was sobbing.
" Hey, it will be okay. I will lend you some of my clothes, you can hang out with me and we can tell your family where they can shove it. Yeah?" He says, last part humourously.

Time skip again bought to you by......... AMERICA'S ASS

I was now sat in the booth watching Seb talk about all of his films and what made him decide to act. I was in a large blue shirt and a pair of jeans held up tightly with a belt. I had borrowed a pair of shoes as we were the same shoe size(I don't actually know his shoe size but hey it's fanfiction. Let's roll with it ) (you were basically wearing what is in the picture.)

I was sitting near the front cast in the shadows

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I was sitting near the front cast in the shadows. The dress was underneath the table in a bag ready to give to my 'darling' mother when I next saw her. I was waiting for Seb to finish so I could thank him as I could see that my family were packing up to leave after his bit.
He had just finished and walked down to my table. I told him I had to leave and thanked him for lending me the clothes. I was about to go into the bathroom to change when he said "keep them on. It will give you an excuse to get away from your family for a bit and here is my number if you need to talk.

A/N. I have written this over the space of 4 weeks when I needed to get away from revision for my GCSE'S. I will write a second part soon. Please vote and comment some nice things and comments on how I can improve.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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