Home Coming Home

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The walk is silent for about three minutes, but it does not seem awkward like most silences. It feels comfortable actually. "You did not go to the dance?" He asks without turning his head to face you. You, on the other hand, look at his profile as you speak, "nope. I wanted to but I couldn't. Did you go? You look like you just went to a really fancy party." The smile from earlier remains on your lips as you speak with him. "I did, but I was bored," he pauses almost as if he is waiting for you to finish his sentence, which you do. "So you left early? Well I guess it's good I didn't go then, right?" You chuckle to yourself, feeling less disappointment in not going. He nods and drifts back into the oddly comfortable silence. "I wonder if he likes anyone," you ask yourself as you continue your walk, "I hope whoever it is makes him happy."

You arrive at your house not long after the silence enveloped you two. Walking up the steps you place the bags next to the door frame, Lukas doing the same. You start to dig into your pocket for your keys when Lukas says your name. Pausing your search, you give him your full attention, "yes?" He stares in your eyes for an instant before looking away, "I'll carry these inside." Lukas was being really nice to you this evening, not that he was not before but it just seems like a bit more today. "Oh, alright, thank you," that familiar smile still on your face. Restarting your short search for your keys you realize that Lukas was watching you. Not creepily but just staring at you. You ignore it as a sign of him waiting to enter your house and finally pull out your keys, "found them!" The keys have a keychain on it of a little (favorite character from any anime) that you got from a secret admirer a couple of years ago around christmas. You notice dull blue eyes staring intently at the keys in your hand. "This? Cute isn't it? Someone got this for me a while ago. Wish I knew who it was, I want to thank them," you explain to Lukas as he just nods.

Turning to the door you insert the proper house key into the hole and turn it, hearing the door unlock. Taking the knob in your hand you turn it and push the door smoothly open. Walking in first you hold the door open as Lukas walks in with all of the bags in hand. "You didn't have to carry them all, I can take some," your voice hinting at worry for your friends arms. "It is alright, just tell me where it should go," he says without change in his voice. Pointing to the kitchen table you speak, "ok, you can put it on the table." Lukas walks over to the kitchen as you lock and shut the door. "Hello," you hear your father's voice from the kitchen, "your the Lukas boy, right?" You almost forgot that your parents are awake. "Yes I am, it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. ________," you hear Lukas say after he places the bags on an empty space on the table. Suddenly you hear rapid footsteps coming down the staircase. "A guest? I am so sorry," your mother's voice following the speed of her race down the steps, "____, why didn't you say someone was coming over?" You put up your hands in self defense, "sorry, I didn't know." Lukas walks out of the kitchen and introduces himself to your mother, "I am very sorry for not notifying you ahead of time of my visit, Mrs. _______." She suddenly changes personalities and says, "oh don't worry yourself over it."

You walk into the kitchen and start to put the things in the bag away when your mother calls to you from the hallway. "_____, come over here and entertain Lukas!" She more or less yells. Your father sits at the kitchen table, eating whatever your mom just cooked, laughing. You give him a sarcastic chuckle then walk out to the hallway where you see your mother grinning from ear to ear. Whenever she smiles like that it means she is trying to hold in a secret. You give her a curious look the turn to Lukas, "sorry about that." Lukas puts his hands in his pocket, "that's fine. I have to go back to the dance now. Matthias does not know how to drive yet." You laugh as your mother inches to the kitchen, "ok, Let me get the door for you." Taking a couple of steps to the door, you open it up and step a side to make way for Lukas. When he steps outside, you step back into the open doorway, "I guess I will see you Monday. Drive safely, Lukas." With the sincerity in your voice, you did not realize what button you just pushed inside him. Lukas leans toward you and places his hand against your right cheek. "I will, don't worry," he whispers before kissing your forehead. It is not on the lips but heck it does not stop your face from turning pink at the contact. Your eyes widen and your grip on the door tightens in an attempt to suppress your emotions. He strokes your smooth skin with his thumb before letting go and turning around. Your vision is so hazy that you do not realize that he is smiling as he walks away from your dazed figure.

"He missed a perfect chance to ask you out. That boy still has a lot to learn," your father's voice breaks in from behind you. Snapping out of your daze you turn around and see your father and mother standing there. Your mom stood with the most excited expression on her face, "You're so pink _____!" She then pulls up a camera and shoots a photo to commemorate the occasion. You blink and try to cover your face with your hands, "Stop it you two!"


Hello~~ so I'm sorry for not updating this on the actual weekend of homecoming but I lost inspiration.... Anyway, I hope you liked it! I tried my best to keep Norway in character, but I'm not sure if it's right.... Tell me if it is so I can try and fix it for y'all!!

Thanks again for reading my stuff!! Love to you all~!! (~^3^)~

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