Friends For Now (Part ①)

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*•.YAY! I am attempting to write another Norway one shot!! Hope you like it! :D.•*

'Alright! Today I'm going to make friends!' you thought as you walked into school. It was your third week so far at a new school and socializing was not a strong suit of yours. Aside from that, you knew absolutely no one so you couldn't just become friends with your friends' friends. You had to start from zero and work up. 'Hopefully I can get up to at least one friend,' you prayed as you made your way to your locker.

When you got there you noticed a guy standing at the locker next to yours. 'A possible friend?!' you hoped as you tried to casually make your way to your own locker without freaking out. You started to input your combination when the guy next to you spoke. "That's your locker?" he asked in a deadpan voice. You looked at him and tried to prevent yourself from smiling too big at having someone talk to you. "Yea! Looks like we're locker buddies. Hehe," you said too excitedly to be considered normal.

The guy looked at you as he unlocked his locker and took out some books. "I haven't seen you here before," he stated as he stared blankly into his locker. You nodded, eyes gleaming with eagerness at having a conversation that's lasting longer than one sentence. "I don't normally use my locker, so maybe that's why we didn't see each other," you say as a smile would not erase from your face. You took a couple of books out of your locker then stuffed them in your bag before closing it. Not long after, your locker buddy shut his locker as well.

You reached out your hand to him and introduced yourself, "I'm _____. It's so nice to meet you!" He glanced down at your hand before he shook it. "Lukas," he said, no change of emotion in his voice. Smiling again you gave a firm shake of the hand before letting go. "I like your name! It sounds really cool!" your voice overloading with excitement from finally getting someone's name. Lukas nodded then started to walk away before you ran up to him. "So," you began, trying to keep up with his walking pace, "what class are you going to? I have english first." Lukas did not even glance at you as he answered, "we are in the same class first period."

You blush at not realizing that he was in your class before. "O-Oh I forgot," your voice wavered as your confidence shrunk. You started to slower your pace as Lukas did not seem to want to talk to you anymore. 'I guess he's annoyed by me,' you thought as you walked behind him.

You walked like that for a while until you got into your classroom. The classroom was already filled with groups of friends who were chatting with one another. You quickly looked around the room and tried to find an open desk, but could only find two that were in the middle of a group of guys. 'Should I ask to sit there, or should I wait to be invited?' you wondered worriedly as you stood at the door of the classroom. Lukas casually walked into the group of guys, sat down, and started to talk emotionlessly to the group. One guy--with short cut blond hair, indigo eyes, and a smile on his face--listened to Lukas speak before looking over in your direction. He happily jumped out off his seat and walked up to you.

"Do you want to sit with us?" he asked, cheer and kindness in his voice. You replied with a smile and a nod of your head before the happy guy lead you to his group of friends.  When he sat you down next to Lukas he took your hand and shook it excitedly. "Hello! I'm Tino! It's such a pleasure to meet you, ____!" he said enthusiastically before finally releasing your hand.  You blinked a few times at hearing him say your name. 'How does he know my name?' you thought for a second then came to a conclusion, 'oh yea, probably when the teacher was doing role call.'

Next a tall man with wild, blond spiky hair and blue eyes leaned over you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You froze as he loudly said, "hey there! Lukas has told us lots about you! So how are you doing, ____?"  Your eyes widened with confusion, 'w-what exactly did Lukas say about me? We just met!' Then he leaned in close to your ear, making you blush, as he whispered, "You're smart, right? Mind if I copy your homewor-" Suddenly the tall man was torn from you by his tie. You looked to see what had happened and saw Lukas aggressively tightening the man's tie and saying, "don't touch them." You watched as the tall man tapped out and was released by Lukas seconds later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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