"that was the last photo"

After the photographer packed his things, he approaches marinette. "My compliments. You are doing fantastic. I have seen girls do far worse on there first day. Buy a thick stack of magazines and watch the poses and faces. A little practice before the mirror, then you will get it. And from now on you will only walk in heels, lady! thank you for your efforts. we will meet again"
he lifts his bag and walks out of the studio. "marinette, we are getting a drink across the street, would you like to join? camille kicks out her heels and fishes them gracefully off the floor."I actually want to go home, there's still a lot of homework waiting for me" and I still need to stop by school to put a card under the planter, Marinette thinks. "We won't be staying long. I have to go to a casting for dior at 6 o'clock. come let's change quickly."

The men are already at the bar with champagne. marinette laughs quietly. If cloe sees this, she'd go crazy. One boy is hotter than the other. maybe she should take cloë to a shoot. camille takes two glasses of champagne from the bar and gives one to marinette. marinette takes a sip from the chanpagne. she has never actually drunk alcohol. the bubbles poke her tongue. Can you get drunk from one sip? "So this was your first job?" paolo (one of the models) asks "I have only been registered for a month" she quickly puts the champagne back on the bar. "where do you usually go out marinete?" paolo asks. "I'm only 15" marinette smiles.

marinette sees adrien cycling past the window. she quickly runs outside and calls his name. adrien looks surprised and jumps off his bike. "marinette, what are you doing here?"

"I had a modeling job today, we are still drinking something over there" marinette points to the cafe.
"Ms bustier told us that you have the flu." adrien laughs. "was an excuse from my mother" suddenly paolo walks outside. he opens a coat for her and smiles "we are going, beautiful, are you coming?"
"adrien, this is paolo, he is also a model" Marinette says while she puts her arms in the sleeves of her coat. "Adrien and I go to the same school. I have known him for a long time." Adrien is the love of my life and kisses everyone except me, Marinette thinks. paolo puts an arm around marinete. "Your girlfriend is a natural. Tell me, has she always been so enchantingly beautiful?" he laughs. adrien smiles back uncomfortably. "Don't say that!" marinette yells.
paolo smiles and walks back inside. "Handsome guys. And so long too." adrien frummelt on his jacket. You're way prettier. and funnier and hotter too, Marinette thinks. "So it went well today?" Adrien asks. "was a little awkward at first. I had to change between all these different people. But everyone is very nice. How was school?" 
"fine you didn't miss anything, except that alya was sent out twice."  "what did she do?"  Marinette asks curious.  "Marinette, you smell like alcohol!"  adrien calls.  marinette has to laugh.  "I've only had a sip, but I don't like it. Champagne tickles in your mouth, did you know that?" 
"you do experience a lot of cool things" adrien blows a tuft of hair from his face.

across the street, marinette sees a girl walking from school.  she raises her hand and waves.  Suddenly adrien wraps his arms around Marinette and pushes her tightly against his body. Marinette presses her nose in his scarf.  (which she made) adrien softly lays his cheek against Marinette's face. "shit, that is jasmin. she is in love with me. it makes me crazy. you have to pretend to be my girlfriend" Adrien whispers, while he takes a hand through her hair.

"What makes you think that? Marinette asks. "She's been staring at me like a manatee all day. come here." adrien pushes his lips on her cheek next to her lips. Marinette feels happy and confused at the same time. "we need to act as if we're kissing," Adrien whispers.

while Marinette pretends not to be in total panic, she feels her whole body stiffen. Adrien's lips are almost on her mouth! how do you breathe? she tries to get her body under control.  adrien suddenly releases her.  "Now We got rid of her, thank you" totally stunned, marinette stares at adrien.  "Well .... that was ..." Marinette stammers.  adrien breathes relieved.  "that was just right" marinette looks at adrien.  how can he be so calm?

"How did you get here?"  adriens asks.  "I can bring you home?"  she would love to go with him, but she has to go to school.  "I just have to pick up some things at the frontdesk." 
"Okay, see you tomorrow."  adrien jumps on his bike and rides out of the street. He looks back once more, before turning at the corner, and waves at Marinette.

Hi Adrien! 
You were very close today...
You smell so good!
    * zwijmel *
Already know how I smell? 
Kisses minou Xx

This is a super loooong chapter.
Does he know how she smells?
We'll see.

-meike 🐱🐞

100% Marinette Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon