true to my word

654 22 4

Harry POV 

I think when I told Louis he knew I would trust him, it struck a nerve in him because he seemed to latch onto those words. He is always cuddling up to me when he is home and he only seems to fall asleep when his head is on my shoulder. I love that he is getting his sleep when he's with me but I don't want me to be the only reason he is. So I call Louis Saturday morning because Darcy is at her grandma's so I have the day off and ask him if he wants to go grab a coffee. He agrees and he tells me he is on his way. I sit on the front porch and wait for him to pull up. 

I'm laying my head on the stair railing and I close my eyes. The wind is lightly blowing my hair out of my face and the sun is beating down onto my skin. I can sense the lighting changes so I open my eyes and look up. Louis is standing there with two coffee's in his hand. 

"I thought I would bring us coffee and I can make you breakfast." I smiled and nodded my head. Louis stuck out his hand and helped me up. We went inside and Lou walked into the kitchen to get started. I sit on the counter across from where Louis is standing. 

"Lou, umm I wanted to talk to you about something. You can continue cooking though." Louis turned around, "Yeah, okay, I'm listening." 

I take a deep breath. "Louis ever since I told you, you could trust me you've been... I don't want to say clingy because that's not it at all. I love our cuddles...not in that way. I'm not saying they're bad, they're great. Anyway, you've just been very physical and even though I love it I can't help but notice you only sleep when you're with me, and I don't want you to miss out on that just because I'm not there. You seem so stressed when you come home from work and you lay down beside me and cuddle into my side and sleep. I know this talk is all over the place but I just want to make sure you're okay." I say all of this with my eyes closed. I already know he stopped what he was doing and is now staring at me. 

I hear movement but I really don't want to see him leave so I just keep them closed. But all my thoughts are thrown out of my head when I feel Louis' hands land on my thighs. I freeze up but don't push his hands away. He runs his hands up and down my thigh which makes me release a breathe and calm down. He moves his hands towards the inside of my thighs and slowly pushes them apart. I suddenly open my eyes, Louis is already staring intently at me. We keep eye contact and he moves in between my legs. His hands moved higher and rested on my hips. At this point, my breathing was heavy and I was just waiting for him to make the next move. he smiles down at me and I feel like I can no longer hold eye contact. I look away from him and down at my lap. He moves his hand under my chin and lifts my head up. We make eye contact again. 

"Haz. I have so much that I want to say to you but I'm your boss. I don't want things to be awkward between us. You and Darcy mean the most to me and I don't want to see that go away." Louis has a sincere look in his eyes but his words made me sad. I'm not even going to deny anymore I want to be with Louis. 

"Lou, I promise you nothing is going to be weird between us. I love Darcy, and I would never go into this if I thought it would some way hurt the relationship between you and your daughter. Louis, I know this is scary mainly because I work for you and I'm 19 and your 25 but I like you. A lot." I was too scared to see his response, I placed my hands on his chest pushing him away from me. I know that Louis feels something for me but I also know that this whole thing scares him. Whatever happened with Darcy's mom really hurt him. I want him to know that everything is going to be okay. I don't know if he's ready. 

But he places his hands on top of mine and holds them down. I can feel his heart beat against my's beating really fast. 

I look up at him, "Haz, this is what you do to me. I really like you too, but if we try this I need to know 100% that nothing is going to be awkward if things don't work out for us." 

"I promise, nothing is going to go weird between us. Also because we are going to work out. I really like you." Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. 

"So it's settled then, Harry Edward Styles will you be my boyfriend?" I nodded my head so excited and ready for this relationship. 

"Yes, Louis William Tomlinson I would love to be your boyfriend."   

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