"I don't know what happened Liam. It all happened real quick. I am not even sure if I did something wrong to cause all this," He started to explain.

"I'm listening."

"Well, during the concert I started to notice how Niall didn't look to well. I thought something was wrong and I wanted to help. So, right after the song I approached him and asked if anything was wrong. He said it was nothing, but I didn't believe him." Harry explained.


"I dragged him into an empty hall so we could talk, but he didn't want to," Harry continued.

" I kept on asking what was wrong, and all of the sudden we started yelling at each other. It was a big mess, Liam. I then got annoyed and faced my back to him, ignoring him. He stopped yelling and called my name. I then turned around and saw him falling to the floor." He ended.

"You don't see how this your fault Harry. Do you?" I asked.

"What? How is it my fault?" He asked confused.

"Harry it's your fault for pushing him way out of his comfort zone." I explained to him.

"But he should know to trust me already!" Harry exclaimed.

"So? You don't have to start yelling at him Harry! You know how he gets when people yell at him!" I shouted to make my point clear to him.

"Oh right." Is all he said.

"What the fuck Harry."

"What do we do?" Harry asked.

"No, Harry. What are you going to do? You did this remember?" I told him.

He didn't respond.

"Come on we have to find him." I said grabbing him by his shirt, pulling him so that he would follow me.

Niall POV:

It's been two hours and the boys haven't even bothered to find me yet. They probably have forgotten about me.

"Assholes." I sighed.

What makes them think that they're better. I am better.

What the hell am I thinking? No I'm not. I'm nothing compared to them.

Should I stay or go? I thought for a while...


I think I've finally made my decision.

Louis POV:

"Niall!" I shout.

"Niall, where are you?" Zayn shouted as well.

Zayn and I have been searching for Niall all morning. When we woke up we went down to breakfast. Niall is always up and ready for breakfast before us, but this morning he was not there.

We skipped breakfast to go find him in his little bunk, but he wasn't there either. So, me and Zayn decided to look for him since Liam and Harry were still sleeping.

"Where is that Irish lad?" I asked hoping that someone around knew.

"I don't know mate." Zayn responded.

"Harry is a total dipshit for doing this to Niall." I told Zayn.

"How do you know it's all Harry's fault?" Zayn asked.

"I saw part of it happen and it wasn't pretty." I answered him.

"Explain." Zayn said.

"I was walking around backstage when I heard yelling. I recognized it as Harry's voice, so I went to see what was going on. I saw Harry with Niall alone in a hallway. Harry was yelling about god knows what, but the poor kid, Niall, looked as if he was going to cry. I never expected Harry acting this way towards anyone really. When Harry stopped yelling he faced the other way. I saw Niall he didn't look so hot. I heard him call out to Harry and when he turned around he was falling. That's when I came in to help." Louis explained.

"Wow, you're right. What a douche." He said with a disgusted look.

We kept looking for Niall after that conversation. Since we looked all around backstage and found nothing we almost decided to give up.

"God I give up." I say.

"I know me too. It looks like Niall doesn't want to be found and I don't blame him, but we got to keep looking!"

"Okay! okay. Let's keep looking even though I'm fucking hungry." I complained.

• * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * •

Okay, so this was a short chapter. Since it was a short one I will be updating another chapter today. Hope you like it because a lot is going to happen in the next chapter.

vote & comment!


SKATEBOYNIALL xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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