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Jack's POV

I walked into the boys play room at about 10 in the morning.

"Hey, I was thinking we go to the park then grab lunch today, okay?" I asked.

Noah nodded and said, "Sounds fun, let me go change." Noah walked past me with a wet pull up on and I walked over to Will and picked him up. I carried him into his room and laid him on the table. I pulled of his wet diaper and then taped up a new one. 

"You want to wear athletic shorts or khakis?" I asked him. "Athletic Shorts" Will responded. I grabbed a pair of shorts from his drawer and held it open for him to step in. I pulled the shorts up and over the diaper, but there was still an obvious bulge. I grabbed a diaper bag from under the table and put 5 diapers in it, a bottle of milk, a pacifier, and changing supplies. He wouldn't need five diapers but its better safe than sorry with Will. Next I went to Noah's room and knocked on the door before opening it. Noah was in the middle of pulling his shorts on as I walked in and grabbed a few extra pull ups to throw in the bag. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Noah. 

"Yah, I'll grab the Frisbee" He responded. We walked downstairs to meet Will who was pulling his shoes on. Noah ran outside to grab the Frisbee and I picked Will up and carried him to the car. I opened the back door and set Will down in his car seat. The seat had shoulder straps that connected at his stomach to a strap that ran from the seat over his diaper to prevent him from sliding out. I buckled Will in and started the car. The boys lived within walking distance of the park, but since we were eating after, I decided to drive. When we got to the park, Noah hopped out of the car and ran to the green as I lifted Will out. Will went to play on the play set with some kids a few years younger than him as Noah and I threw the Frisbee back in forth. I watched Will play as we threw the Frisbee around. Even from this distance I could tell he was wearing a diaper, especially whenever he climbed. Every time will would bend or lift his arms his short would ride up exposing his diaper. But Will did not care that people saw his diaper, he was a kid. I continued to throw the Frisbee with Noah while keeping an eye on Will, but then I realized Noah's pull up was wet. With Noah, I could almost always tell when he was wet because when he was dry, there was no indication that he was wearing any sort of protection, but when he was wet, I could see a slight outline of his pull up. With Will on the other hand I could never know. It was always obvious he was diapered and he had such a small bladder that I could never tell the difference when he wet. 

"Are you ready to eat?" I asked Noah, trying to prod him into heading in without mentioning his pull up in public. Will might have been oblivious to other people but Noah was not. 

"Yah, I'm ready." He responded, catching the Frisbee one last time before heading to the car. I walked over to the playground and yelled "Lunch time Will" and then stood by the stairs watching him barrel towards me. I lifted him up and carried him to the car. Once I got to the car I said "Noah, you are wet but you can change when we get to the restaurant." I laid Will down on the other side of his car seat in the back and closed the door as much as I could without crushing my legs to give him privacy as I changed him. After I changed Will and put his shorts back on I strapped him up in his seat and handed Noah a dry pull up. We drove to a small burger joint about 3 miles up the road. Noah tucked the pull up into his waist band as I lifted Will out of his seat and set him on the ground. I held Will's hand as we walked inside and got seated. Noah went straight to the restroom to change. Our waitress came by almost immediately and I ordered three waters for the table. I did not let the boys drink soda often because it made them wet more than they needed to. I looked up as Noah came out of the bathroom bereft of his wet pull up. Noah and Will began to talk, but I had just received a text from the boys' mother. It read

"Hello Jack, I am on business in Hawaii, but almost all of my conferences were cancelled due to some corporate restructure so I have a hotel room for a week and nothing to do. Would it be alright for you to bring the boys up two days from now. I will send you all the info for the plane tickets and I can book you a room. Just let me know"

"Hello Mrs. Jude, that would be great, Ill pack the boys this afternoon."

"Great see you then! Be on the lookout for the flight info I should have it done by tonight."

I put away my phone right as the waitress walked back.

"Hey boys, what can I get to eat for you today?" She asked.

"Plain Cheeseburger," Will responded quickly.

"Same for me," Noah added.

"Cheeseburger as well, but all the way for me." I said. 

"Perfect y'all are easy." She said as she walked back towards the kitchen.

"Okay boys," I started,"Your mother is in Hawaii and she has a lot of free time and she was wondering if you would be interested in joining her. We would fly over the day after tomorrow and stay for about 4 days. What do you think?"

"That sounds awesome," Will exclaimed as he unleashed a bombard of questions about Hawaii. 

"Woah, slow down" I responded as a laugh escaped my lips, "I don't know anything yet. How about you Noah?"

"Sure, sounds fun." He said with a grin spreading across a face.

"It is settled then, to Hawaii we go." Now it was my turn to shout instead of Wills. The boys finished their meals as I fielded their questions about when we would leave and such. I paid for our tickets and then headed out. As I placed Will up to place him in the car seat, a stench hit my nose. I let out a sigh, not only did I have to clean a messy diaper, but he had already sat in it. I debated changing him now or when we got home and opted for the former. I lifted him back out of his seat and carried him around to the other side of the car before I laid him down. I untaped the diaper and lifted up his legs, peeling the brown mess off of him. I wrapped up the smelly diaper and placed it in a disposable bag before getting to work wiping him down. All in all it took about two minutes to clean the mess out of every crevice. I powdered him, taped a new diaper on then sat him back in his seat without his shorts on. We drove home but even in that short drive, I watched as the front of Will's diaper grew yellow on either side of the seat strap. That kid did have a small bladder. It did make me a little happy though watching his youthful eyes take in the scenery, blissfully unaware of the fact that he was emptying himself into a diaper. When we got home I handed Noah the dry pull ups to put away, telling him to change as well as he was wet. I went upstairs to change Will's diaper as well. As I carried Will to the play room, Noah emerged from his room as well bereft of his pants and headed into the play room. I sat Will down on the coach and proceeded to play Mario Cart with them for almost two hours before heading downstairs to get dinner ready. I preheated the oven and then rummaged around in the closet till I found all the bags I needed. I had two small backpack carry-ons  for the boys to put their stuff in for the flight, one large bag for the boys clothes, a large bag for my clothes and a large backpack for the diaper supplies. I looked up the specs online, it was small enough to be a carry on, but just barely. I carried the boys' bags upstairs and went into Wills room. I threw 7 pairs of shorts, socks and t-shirts in his clothes bag before packing 8 diapers into my carry on along with the other cleaning supplies. Next I grabbed a pack of his diapers, 48 in total and threw them in their suitcase. 48 diapers would almost certainly be enough for the whole trip, but they most likely sold them in Hawaii just in case. Then I walked over to Noah's room and packed 8 pull-ups for the journey there and threw in 5 extras into the suitcase. They may or may not sell Will's diapers in Hawaiian supermarkets as there weren't many people looking for diapers for kids Will's size, but they definitely sold pull-ups there. I threw in 7 pairs of clothes for Noah as well, then remembered to pack bathing suits for both boys. 

"Shoot," I said to myself. I had just reminded myself that I had to go buy waterproof diapers and pull ups. That was not too big an issue because the boys lived in Dallas, so their was an entire store just for baby products all the way through adults. I set a reminder on my phone to get more diapers tomorrow before heading downstairs to put dinner in the oven.  

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