Chapter 9

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"Get your filthy paws off me!" I snarl as Max's wolves drag me back towards the cells.

"Any word on Scar?" Max asks as he follows his wolves in.

"No sir, I'm afraid Sam provided a pretty good distraction for her."

"That's what I'm here for." I laugh through the bars of the cage.

Furious, Max grabs me by the scruff of my neck and slams me against the bars.

"You don't understand mutt! What I've worked for with Scarlette! You've ruined it!" Max screams as he tries to force me to the ground.

I resist and pull away before snapping my jaws only inches from is arm.

"Watch that bite Max." Seth growls as he comes in.

"I'm not nearly as slow and stupid as you Seth." Max snarls right back.

Seth just ignores him, then turns towards me.

"Have you learned nothing?" He spits.

"Learned nothing about what?" I growl back.

"That Scarlette is dangerous, and you even saw the stuff she did!"

"Hey, that is my favorite grandkid you're talking about!" Max interrupts, "Sorry." He adds to me.

"It's a blessing I'm not your favorite." I snarl, "I mean you did rip out my mom's throat."

"Quiet!" He yells with sudden ferocity, leaping into the cage and lunging for me in wolf form.

I was waiting for this, easily jumping above him and landing on his back, trying to jam my thumbs in his eye sockets. He yelps in pain as I hit home with his right eye and bucks me off. I hit the ground in wolf form and turn to meet an oncoming guard by tearing his throat out.

I jump from the cage, slamming the door behind me. I find myself face to face with five guards, two humans armed with tazers and three wolves behind them. Seth was behind them all, running in the opposite direction.

"Come on guys, I don't have all day!" I laugh as a wolf jumps at me.

I use my speed to duck his attack and jump up, my jaws finding the spine and ripping it out through his neck, like pulling a string from fabric.

Switching to human form I use the wolf spine as a whip, when the second and third wolf lunge. I crack my whip down on a brown wolf, leaving deep gashes in his skin and causing him to whimper like a puppy.

The grey wolf was not so easily intimidated, and managed to latch his jaws in my leg. I punch the beast in the nose repeatedly until he lets go, then I wrap the spine around his neck.

The strangling works well until the spine snaps apart. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck before snapping it sideways.

The humans, who had earlier been too scared to do anything, now jumped, and I feel a few thousand volts rush newfound energy into my body. I try to grab the nearest guard, but as my hand grips his head something strange happens.

His head explodes. All I see is a small flash of electricity jump from my hand to his head, and it explodes, just like people getting shocked. I stare from the man to my own hand in disbelief. The second man seemed to believe it all right, because I watched him piss his pants and run down the hall.

I smile slightly to myself, before realizing what just happened.

'No time for that Sam! We have to get out!' Red's thoughts interrupt me.

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