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"I'm gonna fucking kill you, okay? Remember that." Taehyung uttered as Bo Hyun clung onto his jacket preventing his from taking one more step towards Jungkook.

Jungkook scoffed, knowing that Taehyung was uttering non sense as he always said the same thing but didn't really act on it. Jungkook walked away from Taehyung his eyes searching around the place to find Jimin.

Jimin was still seated where he was a few minutes ago. He made no effort to stand up or dance or socialize in general.

"Hey Kookie, you okay? I saw what happened back there." Jimin said, coolly. Jungkook took the drink from Jimin's hand as he chugged it down in one gulp.

"I'm fine. Taehyung said he wanted to kill me. Again." Jungkook said with a sarcastic chuckle. "Sooner or later I might believe he is actually telling the truth." Jungkook said his words followed by another chuckle.

Dedicated to nethasha for her b'day!

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