Chapter 15

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Their acquaintance met all of Anna's expectations. She could not take her eyes off Randall, who chatted incessantly about the most ordinary things, showed something of the sights and on the go, as he later admitted, making up historical facts about everything. He had a charming voice and a thick American accent. Anna was afraid that the sound of his voice would be the most pleasant sound she knew.

There was something about him, some mysterious charisma, that seemed to brighten everything around. Even passers-by smiled when they saw him. Four people tried to make acquaintance with them throughout a quick way to the abode where Randall planned to settle Anna. He was so outgoing and gregarious that it confused and usually struck shy Anna.

"We're home!" he blurted out, approaching a small lodge in Baroque style.

"I'll live here?" Anna asked, gazing at the house with a smile on her face. She liked the idea.

"We'll live here," corrected Randall with a grimace, waiting for a reaction.

When it followed, he hurried to clarify:

"I'll sleep on the floor and never touch you."

"Oh, if you knew how glad I would be if you did!" Anna giggled at her thoughts but said aloud: "Dope!"

They went inside. The decor was marvelous. The unpretentious furniture had various art objects—an Eastern mosaic on the walls and floor, high floor vases with flowers in the corners. The windows did not have curtains, but bead pendants of fancy shapes and sizes played their role. The original tabletop with playing cards was in the center of the hall.

"What do you think?" Randall's voice broke her train of thought.

"Love it," she beamed. "Whose house is this? Yours?"

"My friend's," Randall explained.

Anna was a little puzzled by the answer. She figured Randall would let her stay at his place. It was a bit weird that he'd arranged for them to live together for a couple of weeks at a friend's house. It was somewhat illogical, but Anna thought he might have a good reason.

"Great place," she responded, touching different interior items as if getting acquainted with them.

"Need a snack. I'm sure you're starving, beautiful! I know a great café down the street. We will go there not directly but in a roundabout way so you can see the park. It's just the bomb."

"The bomb!" Anna laughed at his choice of words. "I do want to see it!"

"Then let's not waste a minute! Italy is waiting, muah!"

And they ran out of the house, driven by hunger and thirst for new experiences.

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