iv. chapter 2;; everyone needs one person to trust

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«"How are you so calm when people look at you?"»

«"How are you so calm when people look at you?"»

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"you, yourself know the truth and that's enough

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"you, yourself know the truth and that's enough.. "

Morgan's POV

Them looking at me made me scared it made me want to run away, it made me want to run back from home but I didn't because I didn't want mom to worry about me I tried not to cry, I tried not to look at them so I kept my head down while gripping the straps of my backpack I speed walk to my classroom walking pass by other students not looking up at them

Once I reached my classroom I hesitantly walked inside and sat at the back of the classroom where the window was near me I looked out the window and watched the wind blew gently on the trees as time pass by I noticed a girl with redhair sat beside me

She looked at me "Hi!.. " she beamed her freckled face was beautiful and her ocean eyes compliments her features "Hello.. " I weakly said and looked at her ocean eyes it felt like I was drowning into a world of beauty "I'm Madeline Delaney.." she smiled and reached her hand out for me to shake I gently took it "I'm Morgan Stark.. " I smiled a little bit and shake her hand

Her eyes widened when she heard my last name "Stark? As in Tony Stark's daughter??! " she exclaimed I laughed nervously "Yep.. Tony Stark's only daughter.." she squealed "I'm a Fan!! I'm sorry for what happened to him though he was such a hero.. " she looked away from me I put a hand on her shoulder "Well.. I'm alright now.. " that was a lie when I said I was fine I wasn't it still pains me and the fact he couldn't see his daughter grow up

Madeline grabbed my hand that was on my shoulder and she rubbed my knuckles "Well I'm glad you're alright,also can we be friends? " I saw her eyes sparkle I happily nodded "That would be awesome! " I exclaimed until the teacher came in Madeline lets go of my hand and sat down straight I faced the blackboard

The teacher looked at all of us until he landed his eyes on me he started speaking and looked away from me "Goodmorning class my name is Mr. Jack Obríllé and I'am your homeroom teacher for the whole semester now let's start by introducing yourself on the front.. " anxiety ran through my whole veins

He started to look around the classroom and picked a guy that was wearing an unbuttoned polo with a white t-shirt inside he was wearing a black jeans and some white addidas shoes he stood up I noticed all the girls squealing except for me and Madeline

"Goodmorning sir, goodmorning classmates my name is Brian Findlay I'm 15 years old and I have a brother named Brendon.." he gestured at the other boy sitting next to him the teacher spoke "Okay come in front.. " he gestured for the boy he stood up next to his brother "Hi my name is Brendon Findlay I'm also 15.." the boy said I'm not gonna lie the Brendon guy looks cute then he suddenly looked at me and I quickly looked away

The teacher spoke "Okay you two can sit down now.." the boys nodded and walked to there seat they were looking at each other smiling and the girls noticed and they squealed the boys both sat down

The teacher searched another student until he looked at me "You. " I gulped and hesitantly stood up and walked infront I can feel the whole class staring at me I started to feel more and more anxious I finally reached the front and stood in the middle of the classroom the teacher looked at me "Now Morgan introduce yourself.. "

I was a bit shocked that he know me then it hit me he was my father's friend I nodded and looked at the whole class and spoke "M- My name is Morgan-" I took a deep breath "Morgan Stark.. " thats when the whole class widened there eyes and jaw dropped my teacher chuckled "It's good to have you here Ms. Stark.." I looked at our teacher and smiled "Yeah.. I guess.."

Mr. Obríllè chuckled "You can sit down now I'll just say everything about you- well not everything.." I nodded and walked back to my seat

Madeline was giving me a thumbs up and I just laughed and sat back down
Mr. Obríllè started speaking "Morgan Stark is 14 years old she lives in the Stark Tower her father is Tony Stark and Pepper Stark also known as Pepper Potts her guardians are.." he paused for a while "The Avengers.. " he laughed at this statement the whole class started laughing too then I started chuckling Madeline was looking at me smiling

"Alright enough about Ms. Stark.." he picked different students

"Alright last student" he picked a boy who was a wearing a white hoodie he had curly black hair his jeans were also black his shoes were also black he stood up and walked infront until one of the Findlay brothers trip him which was Brian he was chuckling

He glared at Brian and straightened his posture and walked in the middle of the classroom he looked up at the class "Hi - uhm- my name's Francis Crimson and I'm 15." I looked at the boy and he looked at me

Francis's POV

My eyes landed at Morgan she was looking at me and I feel my cheeks heat up I smiled at her and she smiled back and I thought

This is gonna be a fun semester..

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