meeting the pastas, I wrote *knock* alot

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Dont mind the title but its true.

*Knock* *Knock*  kaneki hears on the door. When he opens it he sees Jackie and what he assumed to be slenda, off of what Jackie told him.

Hello kaneki how was your rest. I see that you are fully healed.

Uh yeah it was fine kaneki said while looking down. Sorry about attacking you.

It's fine, I was trying to get answers out of you when you didn't have any. I wasn't thinking straight, I was going off my paranoia.

I came here to ask you to familiarize with the other girls living here alright.
Ok sure I'll do that. Don't worry they won't try and kill you, I made sure they wouldn't. That is all. She turned around and walked away. Kaneki now faced Jackie and then she handed him something. It was his mask.

It a cool mask she said. Thanks for giving it back Jackie, no problem. She turned and left to her room.

Kaneki forgot to ask her where were the other girls at. He sighed, guess I'll just have to find out for my self.

Kaneki started walk down the hallway until he got to a room that had the name clockwork on it. Assuming this was one of the girls room he knocks on it.

A voice says come in. He opens the door and is met with a brunette girl with a single green eye and a pocket watch in the other. I creeped him out a bit. She came closer to kaneki and started poking him. What are you doing he asked her.

I don't get it how you were able to knock out Jess and damage Slenda so easily when you look so frail, I'm impressed you survived.

Thanks I guess. My name is Ken Kaneki but you can call me Kaneki.
My name is Natalie but call me clockwork alright. I got a question for you, do you know where the other girls rooms are and who should I meet next. Well there's Tami, Jane, Jess, Ann and Benny. They are all on the right side of the hallway. I'll recommend you see Jane, Tami and Ann.  Ann is in the guest room before you ask. you should see Jess and Benny last. Why you should see those two last.  You should she Jess last Because she is most likely still angry at you for knocking her out and Benny because she is a prankster. Alright thanks, kaneki said turning around and leaving. Closing the door.

Kaneki then went walking to Jane's room. He knocked and she let him in. He said hello and told her his name.
What happened next surprised him. She quickly went behind him and put a knife at his throat. Kaneki however was strong enough to flip her over to the ground.

What's the big idea attacking me. I was just testing your reflexes, you have a very fast reaction time. The name is Jane Arkensaw. Also thank you. For what kaneki asked. For punching Jess and knocking her out. Let me guess you two don't get along. We can't stand each other, we get into alot of fights. No problem, see you later Jane.

Kaneki went out the door and knocked. Cc-come in, he heard the person behind the door stutter. He opened the the door and saw the same         girl that was with slenda interrogating him.

Hi my name is kaneki want yours. It's ttt-Tami, nnice to meet you kaneki. Sorry abbout tormenting yyyou a few ddddays agggo.

It's fine, you don't have to apologize. Rrr-really, ok ss-so how have you bbb-been.

I'm doing well actually my wound has fully healed. That's ggg-good t-to hear

Well hope you have a good day.
Ss-same to yyou.

Kaneki left the room.
Tami said to herself. He ss-seem vv-very interesting.

Kaneki thought to himself alright just a three more people left. All of them seemed pretty normal to him other than how they looked. Taking clockworks advice instead of going to Jess or Benny's room he went to the guest room to see Ann. 

(Hiatus Just Because)Not In Japan Anymore (Ken kaneki x fem creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now