Not what it seems

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Kaneki found himself tied in a chair arms behind his back. He starts to stir and struggle to get out
He hears someone say in a feminine " he's waking up". When he opens he see a pale no-faced woman wearing a suit with a girl with goggles and a mask covering her mouth that had long tan hair. The no faced woman asked "Where is she"
Kaneki replied with who?.

The girl with the face mask punched him in the the gut. Ahh. Kaneki yelped in pain. The no faced woman said "we know you're one of zalga's proxies" tell us her plans or you won't live to see the morning sunrise.

This cycle of Kaneki being punched continued for some hours.

The woman said "this isn't going anywhere" she then had a black rinkaku looking thing come out her back and peirced his stomach making a hole there.

The woman thought kaneki was dead. She turned to the girl with the face mask and said give the kidneys to Jackie and the heart to Jane will you Tami. Tami said ok but hears someone get up. Slenda turned around and saw the white haired boy had gotten up and the hole that she put was fully healed. Tami pulled out her hatchets and slenda grew 3 more tendrils having a total of 4.

Kaneki smiles and crackes his index finger. Now. Kaneki starts to raise his head. His left eye showing his kakugan. Now MY TURN.

Kaneki let out his 4 rinkaku kagune

Slenda told Tami to get the others quickly. Kaneki launced himself at slenda she blocked with her tendrils.
She started to teleport and hit kaneki in multiple angles. But kaneki quickly healed and figured out her pattern and cut her side with his kagune. Black blood came out of her side. She recoiled in pain. Kaneki took this for his advantage and threw her into the wall and started to stab her multiple times in the chest with his kagune.
Slenda is almost too weakened to do anything. She fell on the floor. Kaneki used his kagune to Pierce her arms and legs making them stuck to the floor. Kaneki was over her and said in a sadistic tone "You tried to kill me and failed, so you wouldn't mind if I eat you " using the little strength she had left she used one of her tendrils to attack kaneki whick successfully hit.

Kaneki hit a wall in pain and was scream in agony. He was holding his side. "Fuck, why isn't it healing is the wound to big?" "No not.. like this.. I have to save him.


I have to...
I will save him.
Kaneki starts to heavily pant. Kaneki starts to become unconscious. Barely staying awake the last thing he saw we're some girls running toward the no-faced woman and turn to him. Kaneki closed his eyes and became fully unconscious.


After I ran out the room I got the other girls to help slenda. We heard scream pain and realized it was mostly slenda's. I opened the room door to see slenda one the floor laying in a pool of her own blood and the white hair boy unconscious. We lifted slenda up and laid her down to Ann room. Slenda told us to get the boy and help him too which surprised me. She said that she owes him an apology

Well I see I'm getting a few reads now. Yah I guess. I was going to say something about a death note book I'm making but I decided not to make it (for now maybe) Also do you guys think judge angels sword can cut kaneki or will it just bounce off.

633 words in total

(Hiatus Just Because)Not In Japan Anymore (Ken kaneki x fem creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now