Chapter 34: Recovering

Start from the beginning

Each week, waiting for you to wake up from the coma, Stray Kids had to keep working on their music and such. The fans began to worry as they notice how I.N's personality had been serious and expressionless lately. He wasn't himself at all. He felt as if the other half of him is gone when you're not there with him. When he needs to see your smile or look at awkward photos of you two, he had alway's asked the others if he could look at the photos again. They understood of him reminiscing but it pains them to see their maknae the way he is right now. It's like he's suffering emotionally and they wished they could help him. 

As months had passed, Jeong-in still checks into the hospital after rehearsal or after school. He waits for you to wake up but nothing ever happened. Today, counting as the fifth month or so, he saw your eyes rapidly moving behind your eyelid. His heart began to race as he shouts for the doctor to come in. He kept shouting as your eyes were about to open. The machines were blinking and loudly ringing to let everyone know what's going on with the patient. He had to let go of your hand once more as the nurses and doctor came in to check on you. Something told him to call the others but he didn't want to. Instead, he wanted to see you himself before alerting the others. He had to be the one by your side when you do wake up. He had waited for a long time. Now, it's finally happened. He can't wait to hear your voice, laughter, and to feel your touch once again.

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Much like before, it had felt as if you were in a long dream. This time, you have an excruciating pain welcoming you as you gain consciousness. It was more on the left side than anything, you assume that is where you hit your head. It was throbbing harshly as you barely touch the bandage wrapped around your head. You woke up while groaning in pain. Your vision began to focus as you look around slightly. You look up and saw a cute blonde head staring at you while holding your hand.

He cries with happy tears, "thank God you woke up!" he had a tight grip on your hand as he held it close to his heart

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He cries with happy tears, "thank God you woke up!" he had a tight grip on your hand as he held it close to his heart. As he did that, it was like his heart had suffered alone all this time. You had a feeling all he wanted to do was to look at you while being wide awake.
"How long have I been asleep?"
He wept as he spoke to you, "for several months." Your heart and stomach sunk as he looks to you heartbroken. You held him close as you embrace him with your free hand.
"I'm sorry that I had been gone for so long." He didn't respond, he broke down in tears as he hugged you tight. You can feel his tears staining the hospital gown as you held him close to your chest while soothing him by rubbing his back. He had not let go of your hand the moment you were awake.

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After he settled down and you gave him a few tenderly kisses. He showed you pictures of their recent comeback and of what they did in general for the past several months. You knew everything had to be different the moment you saw him with different hair color and more manly features. But to think that all of them had grown in a short period of time, left you in awe as you stare at the photos of everyone. You had noticed I.N did not smile as much in the photos like he used to. Once in a while, he would laugh in photos with Stray Kids but it's most of him with his 'scary' rest face. You didn't think it was scary but you know he likes to smile. It was amazing how fast they had matured since you last saw them, especially Jeong-in. He was alway's cute and handsome, now he's dreamy like a prince. I guess the blonde hair makes him glow more too and looks identical to a fennec fox. You already missed his strawberry hair but he looks nice in any hairstyle/color so far. 

You wished to have seen them grow within the period you slept. You guess it had to be for the best. Right now, you were happy to be awake to his dazzling smile and sparkly eyes. 

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You could not leave the hospital unless the doctor told you to go home. Just about a week or so later, your concussion has shrunk and you felt less throbbing. You were happy to see Jeong-in a lot and the other Stray Kids. Shockingly, Seung-min visits you more than the others did. You were shocked to know that even the members of Got7 came to visit you as well. Sadly, they came when it's either visiting hours were over or you were asleep. Nonetheless, you were finally released after they took the bandage off of your head and the bump was no longer there. Maybe a little scar from it. You figure it was like a 'battle' scar, so you were fine with it.

Surprisingly, the whole time you were there, the nurses and doctors called you 'Mr. Nicholas.' You knew they had to know your secret since you were unconscious for a while. When you woke up, you notice you were wearing a hospital gown. You also felt clean so the nurses must have washed you too. You had a theory to why they kept your secret hidden, Park Jin-young probably had part of this. Only he can ask them to keep it a secret from others. You're not sure how but you know it must be his doing.

You were relieved but you wonder if they would actually keep it a secret from everyone who either comes to ask about you or from other employees in the hospital. Only time can tell of what might happen in the future. 

When you finally came home, you carefully look around and notice the dorms itself has not changed a bit. The only thing that had changed was Stray Kids themselves. You were happy to be with all of them once again. You could not believe how much you missed them in a short period of time which felt like hours for you. But it was months for them. Even though their looks have changed but their personalities remain the same.

You're glad that Jeong-in began to smile more as all of you decide to cook dinner and eat together as a big family

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You're glad that Jeong-in began to smile more as all of you decide to cook dinner and eat together as a big family. You notice all of them were more rambunctious today than they ever were before if that is somehow possible.  What's funny about this is you actually missed it. You enjoy watching them goof around and acting ridiculous. It was like a weight had been lifted from them. A heavy waiting experience until you woke up. You knew they were happy that you're with them but the thought of Jeong-in miserable without you. Usually, girlfriends would be content with that (except for me) but you weren't. You couldn't believe how much you affect his personality. It made you feel guilty but you knew you would act the same way if he was in a coma too. Because of that, you wanted to stay close to him as much as you can. 

Are we acting this way because we love each other? Or are we rushing it? Could it be we are soulmates? Or are we just overreacting our emotions for one another?

Those questions spiral in your mind as he playfully teases you as you try to cook or eat. You knew he missed you so much but it was to a point that you felt like your love is a drug to each other. Both of you can't live without one another and that might be somewhat of a problem. You two have to figure out how to channel this so both of you don't have to suffer anymore. That might be difficult since you two live together and work together. Maybe it's meant to be this way. 

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