Detective Life (mention of smut)

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     A/n: this is my first Magnus Martinsson and it was from a request.

      Being married to a detective is great and all what girl would want the whole protect and serve, in the bedroom let along handcuffs. But when you're a detective to and have yet to have sex with your husband for over a month now. Was not what you thought would happen. But it seemed the the two of you could not catch a break. Some night you would start off hot and heavy, thinking this is it until well one of you would fall asleep. After a long growling day at the office. Well it was Magnus that would end up falling asleep. But most of the time was one or both of you would get a call.  You more then Magnus, it didn't help
That you were also the only medical examiner in the small quaint town in Sweden.

      Though it was like after the two of you said; I do there ended up being a series of random murders. Making private and intimate time few and far in between. It was to the point that you didn't care about being professional. Every chance you got you would kiss, flirt and grab at that handsome detective, with his boyish good looks and those tight curls on top of his head, runners build and firm ass. He was just sex on legs. And it's was driving you nuts. You didn't just marry him to be celibate. You were determined to climb that man like a tree. If you don't go to jail first after killing your boss Curt for always call you both in at the most awkward of times.

        **"I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me."** Magnus whisper in your ear. He came up from behind you, wrapping his long arms around your waist. Making you jump, luckily you didn't have anything in your hands as you had been staring at the microscope for hours now.

          "Jesus Magnus. Don't scare a girl. I need to put a bell on you." You hissed trying to catch your breath. Magnus only chuckled and kissed that spot just under your ear the spot that did all kinds of things to you. Biting your tongue to keep the moan at bay.

         **"Is it weird I'm turned on right now?"** Magnus purred as his hand started to wonder under your lab coat groping at your breasts.

         "You said that at the crime scene yesterday. I think you been working to long." You giggled grabbing his hands trying to stop him.

         "No love, that was you that said it. You had got all excited after I pulled my gun out. Though if I would have known that sooner I would of pulled out my gun along time ago." He smirked kissing your cheek. Pulling away from your body right as someone came into the room unbeknown to you.

       "You know Mag that's not the only gun I would like to see. But it seem like the only one I get now a days." You huffed.

        "All right you two need to get a room. God if I hadn't come in sooner you two would probably be shagging on the lab table." Svedberg cleared his throat, slightly amused. Magnus chuckled, while your face turned red as a tomato.

        "You two can kiss my ass." You grumbled. As you went back to what you were doing. As Svedberg started to chuckle along with your husband.

       "Nah I'm sure Mags here is more then willing to do that job. Beside Curt needs him." As he patted Magnus on the shoulder. Before leaving the lab.

       "Sorry Love, I got ago." Kissing you on the cheek quickly. Knowing. If he didn't leave soon he would be next on your table and not the way he would like. Oh your poor, poor sweet husband.

        Walking up to the main level of the precinct you spotted your husband just finished up with Curt in the hallway. His back slightly turned to you. As you waited for Curt to leave, before you made your move. Walking up behind Magnus, your left hand firmly grabbed a hold of his glorious ass. While your right rest on his hip. Luckily for heels your were able to reach his ear. Quickly making sure no one was in the hall you licked the shell of his ear. Getting a soft moan from him. You then kissed his neck, patted his cute ass, then sauntered away. Having way more sway in your hips then was deemed appropriate. With a smirk that greased your lips. Moment later you received a texted.

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