Chapter 40

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Harry fell asleep on our way home.  After I parked Aunt May's car in front of my house, I lightly shook him, my hand on his shoulder.  Harry stirred, and, with a moan, his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," I said.

"Please, don't tell me you had to kiss me to wake me up," he joked, referring to the Disney tale.

"Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't."  I laughed.  His lips crooked upward into a smirk.  "I brought you to my house." 

Harry sat up with a yawn, staring at my front door.  "I can't stay here."

I frowned.  "Why not?"

"Your aunt probably hates me now, and..."

"She's the reason I accepted your invitation."

"But they could be after me."

"Don't worry.  I won't let them get you."  I climbed out of the car, and Harry followed me.  I entered the house, dropping Aunt May's car keys on the table so she could use them when she left for work.

Harry slumped onto the couch.  "I should have listened.  I didn't mean to cause so much damage.  You were right."  He buried his head into his hands.  "How can I live with this?  How can anyone forgive me?"  He sniffled, and his eyes filled with tears.

I hadn't seen him cry since he fell off of the monkey bars in elementary school.

I remembered when I cried in his cell.  He hadn't seen me cry since I broke my arm in middle school.  That didn't mean that I hadn't cried since then, though.

"I forgive you.  And we've been through this.  We've all done bad things."

"Yes, I know.  I know.  I just...I knew I was doing all of that, but I couldn't stop myself.  The Green Goblin took over my brain.  It was like I was in a coma; I was there, but I couldn't control anything.  I heard you shouting at me that I was still in there.  You were right.  I was screaming back to you, fighting the Goblin for power over my body again.  But, the Goblin always won.  He was in my blood.  I thought he would take over me for good.  I couldn't even kill myself.  I probably would have, if I had the chance.  I actually wished you would kill me."

My eyes widened.  "Harry!  I would never do that to you.  You're my best friend."

"But I wasn't your best friend anymore."  I sighed, sitting next to him.

"Look, man.  You can't change what you've done.  None of us can.  As far as I know, there's still no such thing as a time machine.  What we can change is our future.  It hasn't happened yet.  Put all of this behind you.  Or, even better, use it as a lesson, or a way to carry on.  I find myself thinking about Uncle Ben, and such a good guy he was.  Some things you don't realize until it's too late.  I couldn't thank him for what he did that night.  I couldn't change what I'd done.  I still have my voicemail saved, though, and I listen to it over and over again.  I will never delete it.  He gives me the strength to go on, no matter what."

"Would you still have been able to forgive me, if Gwen died?"

I flinched.

"Honestly.  Don't lie and tell me the answer I want.  Tell me the answer I need: the truth."  Harry looked at me with pleading eyes, glossed over with sadness.

"It would be tough, but yes.  That is, if you ever became yourself again.  That wasn't you that hurt her. That was the Green Goblin.  Harry had no control."  Harry nodded, relieved.

"When I saw her, when I heard you scream...I was thinking: 'what have I done?'.  The Goblin, on the other hand, was laughing.  Then I saw you, and you were carrying her away.  I cheered you on, so glad that she had survived."  I swallowed, forcing a smile.  I didn't like the subject.


"You forgive me, but how can I forgive myself?"

"You become optimistic."

I heard a faint rustle, and my spider senses were triggered.  I turned around to find Aunt May, fully dressed and ready for work.

"Peter!  You're back just in time.  I was going to have to steal my car back if you didn't hurry back!"  She laughed, smiling.  "So, how did it go at..."  She stopped, realizing that I was not alone.  Her eyes locked with Harry's and her mouth dropped open.

"Uh, hi," Harry said, giving a wave.  I snorted at his uneasiness.

"Hey Aunt May.  This is Harry.  I'm sure you two know each other?"  I added some humor to the moment.

"Of course," Aunt May said, her voice trembling.  Her lips formed a thin line, but they quivered a little upward at my remark. 

"Harry is healed, now," I explained.  "No more Goblin.  No more disease."  Harry gave an awkward smile.

"That's good," Aunt May said.  "So he'll be staying here?"

"If that's okay with everyone."

"Yeah, that's fine.  Make yourself at home, Harry."

"Thanks, Mrs. Parker," Harry said gratefully.

"Oh, please.  Call me May."  I chuckled.  Aunt May hated it when people called her "Mrs. Parker."  She said it made her feel old.  She'd already corrected Gwen.

"Thanks, May."

Aunt May gave a nod, heading for the door.  "Well, I've got to head to work.  It's not everyday that I get to go in later.  I don't want to lose that privilege.  You boys have fun."  With that, she left. 

Just like old times.


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