Chapter 8

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Danse and Nora kept their affections private, and even then they were not frequent. She was always the one to initiate kisses in the shadows or hand-holding as they sat in the back of agent briefings. Danse was shy but enjoyed every moment Nora gave him.

Nora had always been in good spirits but having this relationship with Danse gave her new life. Her nightmares were replaced with sweet dreams of things that could be. Her free time was spent around him, whether she was cross-stitching or using a weapons workbench. She was happy. The two had discussed alternatives to Danse's plan to leave the Commonwealth. Desdemona grew impatient as she awaited information on the Institute but Deacon quelled her with assurance that it would be well worth it.

Having overheard Nora and Danse, having caught the way they now looked at each other and how Nora bit her lip and how their hands would linger when they gave each other things, Deacon was different. He had hoped Nora could become an excellent agent under his observation. She still had potential to do so. The Railroad was his whole heart and he wanted to share that with her, but she stopped sharing so many stories and stopped asking for his. She no longer offered her likes and dislikes to him. Going on missions with her began to feel more like work again than adventure.

One day, Danse had gone on an overnight with Glory. Two of the best gunners in the safehouse made an excellent team for taking on members of the synth-hating L&L gang. Nora stayed back in Hardware Town, spending her time mostly alone. When evening fell, she took to her sleeping nook and faced the wall, tracing the bricks while in thought.

Footsteps approached behind her. Deacon, hands in pockets, said quietly as most of the agents slept, "Wanted to talk to you." Nora didn't turn around, for fear of the subject matter. She had never liked Deacon as anything more than a charming, whimsical, and eccentric friend who had a lot to teach and many good laughs to offer. Though he showed no change in mood, he was distant lately. She had lost so many friends already because of the Brotherhood of Steel and was losing one more because of her time with Danse.

Deacon began, "We've been discussing the threat the Brotherhood represents." Nora held her breath and stopped moving her fingers along the bricks. "After being forced out of the church, and knowing they have some sort of missile-wielding robot, we can't sit idly by and wait to be taken out first. We've decided to act before they do." She gave no response. "I wanted to say something while Michael was gone. You can imagine he wouldn't take it well. I'm sorry if you don't either."

His boots made soft steps in the dust of the tunnel as they moved to leave. Nora reached behind her, not turning over, and grabbed the back of Deacon's jacket. He only sighed gently through his nose. What was coming wouldn't be easy. He steeled himself and turned back to her. She released her grip and slowly sat up.

"There has to be another way," she said softly.

He took his hands from his pockets and crossed them over his abdomen. "They were going to kill us. We all would have been slaughtered if not for those two you knew."

"Doesn't that tell you something?" She hugged her knees in the dark. "It's not black and white. They aren't all so cruel and unfeeling."

Deacon shook his head. "It's not up to me."

"Bullshit," Nora snapped. "I've seen how you talk to Dez. She'll believe any lie you feed her and consider any opinion you give."

So she knew he was a liar after all. His lips parted but no words came.

Nora buried her face in her knees. "Can't something else be done?"

"What would you suggest, Nora?" he scolded. "Hundreds of soldiers with tech and weapons beyond our wildest dreams stand between us and the safety of synths. You could fit all our agents comfortably in this hardware store. Tell me what choice we have not to be wiped out but to strike first by surprise?"

Rehabilitation [Fallout 4, Another Way Series Pt 1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن