When we got it all taken care of, we put our stuff in the back and climbed into the front seat. Harley's driving because he's better at it. I hate driving.

And then we were off.

"Is everyone going to be there this time?" Harley asked when we had been on the road for about 10 minutes.

"I'm not sure. I think so. Clint will probably be with his family but everyone else should be there."

He nodded and smiled. "I love those people."

I chuckled, "Me too."

Not much later, we stopped at a Walgreens to get some concealer to cover everything up. We walked to the makeup isle and started looking around for what we thought would be his skin tone. We kept picking them up and comparing them to his face and they were either too light or too dark.

Suddenly I heard a vaguely familiar voice behind me and Harley's eyes widened.

"Hey Pete." I turned around.

"Oh my God. You again?" Deadpool was leaning against a stand of lipsticks with his arms crossed.

Harley got closer to me and whispered, "You know him?!"

"Yeah, yeah," I waved him off and walked to Deadpool. "How do you always seem to know where I am?"

"Don't worry about that," he said, standing up straight. "That's the author's job."

"WHAT AUTHOR?" I yelled a little bit too harshly. He's getting on my nerves, acting like we're in a book or something.

"So..." He said, completely disregarding my question. "Looking for... makeup?" He pointed to the concealer we were standing next to. "For what?" Then his eyes widened. Or at least I think they did? I can't tell because he wears a mask.

"Oooh I see. You," he pointed to Harley, "have a hickey."

Harley's face flashed red and he pulled the collar of his shirt up. "Who even are you?"

"Deadpool, nice to meet you."

Harley looked more confused than he's ever been.

"So Peter," he turned to me, "I see my advice worked." He looked from me to Harley.

"Yeah," I said, "thanks."

"What advice?" Harley asked.

I ignored him. "What are you doing here?" I questioned the man in the red and black suit.

"Oh, I'm just here because I don't have anyone to kill and because we need some comedy in this chapter."

"Okay I'm leaving," I said and started walking with Harley to end of the isle.

"Don't forget," Deadpool shouted and threw a tube of concealer at Harley, but I caught it before it hit him without looking back. "Thanks," I mumbled.

We checked out and got back in the car.

Harley sighed and his eyes were wide. "What was that? Who is he? Why-"

"Just don't worry about it," I said.

"I can't not worry about it."

"Just don't."


"Just don't."

He scoffed and shook his head. "Fine. I guess I'll just be confused my whole life."

I smiled hugely at him to keep him from being upset. He tried not to smile back but he broke and flashed a small grin.

We drove all the way from Massachusetts to New York, talking about dumb stuff and screaming the lyrics to Miley Cyrus songs.

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