Author's Note

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This is the first time I am going to write a lengthy story....

A story I thought of writing during my not-so-busy days! 🙊🙈🙉

I am not a legit writer. I am an Accountant by profession - oh yeah, always dealing with numbers. 🔢🔢🔢

Guyths, I am always open to criticisms and suggestions. 😉😉😉

Yes! I am a MIEFER diehard fan.

And this story about them is definitely far from reality, this is just a work of fiction, so to speak. (Although, I would love Kiefer and Mika to end up together, forever and ever. awww!)

The story is quite mature and somewhat rated SPG. Haha! So please bear with me.

If you think you find something offensive, feel free to call my attention. Okidoki? Okidoki. Hahaha!

Anyway, I only wanted to make a totally different setting for our beloved Kiefer and Mika.

Hope you enjoy my story, your story and their story 😘😊😍

Would love to hear your feedback.

Happy reading. God bless!
Twitter Account: @gemini0315

One Last Chance (A MIEFER Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang