Birthday Special!

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Original Date to publish: Had to post by April 19th and suddenly got lacked

This chapter will be only focusing on Maki for her Birthday last April 19, but it was written in her diary about her best moments. Let's take a look!

Dear diary,

I really want to say that I have the best birthday I really like to write! (Y/N)-chan made the biggest setup from March until now~! Here's my experience :)

(Y/N)-chan was making something that he didn't want me to see it until he said so. I know it was a secret project and I was just having to chat with my friends and making some songs that I can compose for my videos because I really want to be a content creator like him.

While I was asleep at 5 AM, (Y/N) is still awake and went out for buying some stuff and having a private conversation with the girls and it was interesting, he left me some breakfast while I woke up at 5:30, it was a healthy salad that I really love when he made one, I know he always put tomatoes on the salad to make me happy.

For a few days, he was working all the time until he completes his project and hides it for me until he said that I can see it until my birthday. I know it was so obvious and I really like to look forward to seeing it.

On April 19... It's time! When I woke up, Honoka and Eli are in my room already prepared my breakfast, they said that (Y/N)-chan made it for me and they said that they want me to prepare myself and I did, they said that I want to wear a red formal dress that I want to meet me at the school at 6 PM, I was thinking it was the same place and time as our Valentines date. When I was out of the room, the others are here and they said they want to go shopping with me.

For the rest of the afternoon, we enjoy shopping and playing arcade at Akihabara until we are back home at 4:30 PM. Everyone left because they are going to prepare for tonight. By 5:50 PM, I arrived at the exact location that Honoka said to me and Nico puts a blindfold on me then Rin and Hanayo holding my arms because they need me to follow the exact point which is the auditorium where Honoka, Kotori, and Umi performed before the others joined them including myself.

I tried to remove the blindfold and everyone surprised at me including the girls and (Y/N)-chan! Is this... a reality!? I know it was from my dream that I really wish to see it on my birthday and it was a dream come true!

Before the gift-giving, everyone had to give their letters for me, then a special greeting by the girls in no particular order, 1st is Honoka, 2nd is Eli, 3rd is Umi, 4th is Nozomi, 5th is Hanayo, 6th is Kotori, 7th is Nico, and 8th is Rin. Then the last greet is from (Y/N) with a special emotional letter about our relationship and he opens the secret gift that he really wants to see it for me. It was... It was a video slideshow that was taken when he joined µ's after we met at school and some of our moments taken for the past few months. The 2nd secret gift was a jacket that has some designs based on my personality and I was shocked that he made it for the others respectively since he made his first glowstick group and he was friends with them since their stage costumes are jackets.

He said to me if I really like it, but I hugged him and I said "This was the best birthday I EVER HAD! IT WAS A DREAM COME TRUE~!", he thanked me and kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. After the party, we had an open dance floor with me, I was so excited to dance with everyone until (Y/N) danced me since he is the last. After the party... He wants to stay in the living room for his sleep today. And for me... *giggle* I just want my peaceful sleep in my room with all of the gifts beside my bed and I just hugged all of the Nesoberis that the girls and (Y/N) give it to me as a present and I lay down in my bed with all of my stage costumes all over my bed as the best night sleep. I take a selfie with my costumes and my Nesos and post it on social media to surprise (Y/N) when he waked up.

In conclusion, my birthday was a blast! With some many gifts, many friends, and my embarrassing memories, I have fulfilled my dream birthday party, and I really hope I like to see it again next year.

With Love and Giggles~
<3 Maki Nishikino <3

[Love Live!] &quot;Love to the Beat&quot; (Maki x Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن