#1 The Transferee

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A month before the school year starts

"Man... Anyone knows my self about that I have higher grades!" I talked to myself as school is going to start next month but I didn't enroll in one school that is better than others

As I was walking around I was tripped on someone...

"Oww... I'm sorry, are you hurt?" I apologized to the person then I stand up

"Ughh... It's OK... Wait... are you the guy went viral on social media named (L/N) (Y/N)?" The person asked me while she stands up

"Yes, I am! Why?" I replied

"I'm-", the person asked but interrupted when I know her

"Principal Minami from Otonokizaka High, correct?" I asked when I was remembered about her

"Yes I am, how'd you know?" Principal Minami replied and asks a question to me

"My mom knows about you because you 2 are friends from her school years ago" I replied to her that I know about it

"Wow, your mom is very good that you remembered me, but I have a question..." Principal Minami giggled while she asked something

"What is it?" I asked while I was fixed my clothes

"Want to study here in Otonokizaka High?" Principal Minami asked me that I can study at Otonokizaka High but I said...

"Wait... What!? I know it's an all-girls school!" I asked her with a question

"Yeah, but I am going to give you as the first male student in this all-girls school because... We are going to shutting down at the end of the school year; do you like to be interested in this school?" Principal Minami asked and she wants me to be interested that I can study there

"I have been honored to be studied there as I have high grades in my old school! I accept your offer!" I accept her confirmation

"Well here's the card that has the location, and I will call your mom about it, okay?" Principal Minami gives me a card and asks me that she can call my mom that I can study there

"Thanks, I hope I can study hard" I smiled when I thanked her

"Alright then, see you on the first day of school" She accepts it and she left

"I hope that I can study hard in Otonokizaka High, this is getting embarrassing..." I talk to myself with a blush...

As I continue walking to go back home and I was still blushing... I know this is the first time to study in an all-girls school, but I'll try to do this...



Kazumi desu~! (I know it's an idea for the name of the AU side of Maki and also as my name for LL fanfics)

As you all know that this 1st chapter talks about how did he wants to study at Otonokizaka High but got embarrassed when he accepts it...

I am going to get more every day or another day if needed, I will going to start writing chapter 2 as the start of the story

Every day, another day or today is my schedule for this story so you better watch out!


DISCONTINUED - [Love Live!] "Love to the Beat" (Maki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now