We both knew it was impossible. If I could claim my spot early, I would have been done it. But that didn't stop either of us from hyping up the fight.

However the high pitched squeal coming from behind me did.

"Who the fuck's there?!" Beast shouted glancing at King before scanning his eyes through the park.

I froze. I recognized the squeal. Even if I didn't, there would be only one girl in Winterbrook dumb enough to spy on the illegal activities of a few high school thugs.

Rory Vincent, everybody.

"I didn't hear anything." I mumbled shooting King a look that said play along.

"Yeah me either. Hey boss I'm heading home so if you want that ride you'd better hurry up."

Beast wasn't having it.

"Somebody's fucking here. I know what the fuck I heard."

I shook my head. "There's nobody in the damn park, Beast." I said after a moment of him scanning our surroundings.

Jesus, this girl was going to be the death of me.

Beast finally nodded. "Whatever. Let's go King. We can talk about this whole 'one more job' thing"

King sent me a look before walking off with Beast.

Once they were out of sight, I let out the breath I had been holding. "Damn it Legs." I growled turning the corners and marching up to the ladies room where I knew without a doubt she was hiding.

Her knowing about this was definitely not going to work in my favor.

Walking into the girls bathroom made me feel like a weirdo so I paused by the door. I could hear her.

She was talking to herself.

I couldn't catch everything she was saying because it sounded more like a mumbled bunch of mess but I did recognize words such as police and church.

Finally losing my patience , I walked into the bathroom snatching open one of the stall doors.

She had obviously been too engrossed in the conversation she was having with herself to hear my footsteps because she screamed when the door opened, slapping a hand over her mouth and backing into the wall.

"S-Stay away from me." She said, her voice quivering as her eyes darted around the room no doubt looking for a weapon.

The whole scene just made me angrier at her because if Beast had been the one to find her, she would have actually needed the weapon. She was so stupid sometimes it made my head spin.

"You are the dumbest person I've ever met, Legs" I hissed walking further into the stall and cornering her. 

She held a hand out and I took a step back. The fear that jumped into her eyes unmanned me. "I mean it- Stay back Sin."

As if her words alone would have stopped me if I had actually wanted to hurt her. She was dumb.

I crossed my arms, leaning against the doorway. "What? Do you think I'm going to strangle you in the girls room?" I asked.

I didn't like that she looked at me with fear. As if I was going to attack her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "I don't know... Killer."

The nickname coming off of her lips, ruined me. I absolutely hated it, and I didn't have the time to figure out why this one girls opinion of me mattered so much. So instead I reached out grabbing her forearm and pulling her off of the toilet she had been standing on.

She stumbled against me causing me to get a good whiff of her hair. She smelled feminine and I had to admit, sexy as hell.

"Let me go." She growled struggling against my arms.

Was I hurting her? Fuck, sometimes I didn't know my own strength.

I let her go immediately, taking a step back from her. "You should be happy." I said trying not to focus on her legs. "I just saved your life."

She placed her hand on her chest. "Oh, well thank you so much, Killer."

There it was again. That stupid name coming from her mouth. This time I couldn't stop myself from reacting and before I knew it, I was grabbing her by the chin, lifting her face so that I could look in her eyes.

"Don't call me that shit." I mumbled.

She froze for a split second before taking a deep breath. "Let me go, Sin." She said in a calm voice.

Again I quickly removed my hands, this time placing them behind my back as if that would keep me from touching her.

I cleared my throat. "Next time you're hiding, maybe refrain from mumbling to yourself." I said it lightly, trying to change the mood.

Apparently it worked, because she rolled her eyes. "I wasn't."

It was quiet. I didn't know what to say so I watched her. She looked awkward as she nervously played with her hair before clearing her throat. "So is the coast clear?"

I liked this girl.

I nodded my head turning so that she could exit the stall. "I'll walk you home."

She shook her head, as I expected her too. "No, it's fine. I was on a jog anyways."

That explained the sexy outfit she was wearing.

I didn't bother to get in an arguement with her. I simply repeated myself.

Giving up she walked out of the stall, with me right behind her trying to keep my eyes of my Captain's Sister's Legs.

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