Chapter 28: An Unexpected Change Of Heart

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Jura: no, magical ability is irrelevant, the stronger ideology always wins.

Hoteye: I'm afraid that your wrong, no matter the era the ones who triumph...are the rich, oh yeah!

(Y/n): STOP IT!

Suddenly there was a blinding pillar of light behind us.

(Y/n): what the?!

Jura: what happened, what's that light?!

Hoteye: it's Nirvana, oh yeah!

Me and Jura looked at Hoteye, shocked at his answer.

Hoteye: there's no reason for you to get all work up, it's main operation hasn't been activated yet, the light simply means it's seal has been broken. It's also a sign that were about to be rolling in dough, oh yeah! Hahahaha! Money money, WE'RE ABOUT TO BECOME INCREDIBLY WEATHLY!

Suddenly his eyes widened and he began babbling.


Jura: what has gotten into him?!

(Y/n): I don't know, but it can't be good!


Jura: it's as if he's been possessed!

Hoteye: the root of all evil, oh yeah.



Tear began to pour out of Hoteye's tear ducts

Hoteye: you see, I've been desperately searching for my long lost younger brother, and I thought if accumulated enough money I'd be able to find him, oh yeah. However, now I've realized how foolish it was of me to think that way, I was wrong!

(Y/n): Jura, please tell me you're as confused as I am right now.

Jura: definitely.

Hoteye: Jura, (y/n), why don't we bury the hatchet and become friends, oh yeah! The world around us is overflowing with love, oh yeah! Hearts are bursting with such sweetness and compassion, anything is possible when you have the power of love on your side, oh yeah!

Hoteye then grabbed me and Jura in a bear hug.

Hoteye: what do you say we work together to put an end to my former comrades plans? We must teach them the wonders of peace, love, and harmony. Are you with me?

Jura: uh, yeah sure.

(Y/n): well, looks like we got another ally. Wait there something I still don't get.

Hoteye released me and Jura.

(Y/n): so how exactly did your point of view change so quickly, a few seconds ago you were about to kill us.

Hoteye: oh, that's simple. Nirvana changed my attitude towards you and your friends.

Jura: hold on, so what you're telling me is that Nirvana's magic actually alters of those it affects.

Hoteye: precisely right, oh yeah. within it's area of affect, that black light with forcibly change anyone whose heart is teetering on the edge of good and evil to the opposite of their usual nature, oh yeah.

Jura: if what you saying is true, that would mean you were wavering between light and darkness yourself.

Hoteye: I was never truly evil to begin with, and I could no longer convince myself what I was doing was noble, oh yeah.

Jura: I don't see how you could ever justify what you've done.

Hoteye: when you've lost a loved ones you can justify anything. Wouldn't you agree?

That comment made me think. If the Juggernaut was going around destroying bandit camps looking for me, was he justified. I mean, all he's trying to do is find the son he lost and bring him home, but does that make him the good guy?

Jura: something wrong, (y/n)?

(Y/n): no, I was just thinking about my father.

Hoteye: oh, you mean the Juggernaut, I've heard he's wiped out thousands of bandits with just a swipe of his hand, oh yeah.

(Y/n): yeah well, he's been murdering countless numbers of bandit looking for me, and I was just wondering if he's really doing the right thing, or if he's just out of his mind.

Hoteye: I assure you, his actions may not be pure but his motives surly are, oh yeah. To be perfectly honest, I believe you and your father will cross paths 1 day.

I turned to him and smiled.

(Y/n): it's kinda weird hearing that from someone who was once my enemy.

Hoteye: I have committed the same sins as him numerous times trying to find my brother. Finding him is my only goal, to do that I needed heap and heaps of money, oh yeah.

We were now running through the forest to Nirvana.

Hoteye: when I first saw you, Jura, all of my precious memories came crashing to the surface.

Jura: let me guess, I bare a striking resemblance to this long lost brother of yours.

Hoteye: quite honestly, you look a potato me and my brother once split together.


Jura: don't tell me that!

Hoteye: onward, let's stop brain and his minions together, FOR, LOVE, OH YEAH!

Jura: um, sure.

(Y/n): you're certainly gonna be fun to have around.

The Apocalypse Dragonslayer (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora