Shivay was slowly starting to forget his irritation as the title of the movie started rolling on the screen, but a slight movement on Anika's side made him turn towards her - she was comfortably bending towards Daksh's side of the seat handle. Daksh felt it to, he turned around with a grin,

"Like old times huh Annu?" he laughed and put his arm casually around her. She didn't flinch away or anything - in fact she was very comfortable, and together after exchanging a smile, they looked at the screen.

Shivay didn't know why he felt the need to break a few things right then. Annu?? Really?

As it is he was having a tough time ignoring their closeness and concentrating in the movie, but within the first fifteen minutes he could hear soft and light snores coming from Tia's side! It pissed him more. He was watching the movie, but his focus had gone for a toss - occasionally Anika and Daksh would discuss something about the plot of the movie - of course, for that they needed to get even closer! Suddenly he heard them giggling - obviously some insider joke - but Shivay couldn't take it anymore, he carefully placed a hand on Anika's shoulder, the part where Daksh wasn't "touching" and pulled her towards him, a startled Anika fell over his side and grabbed his hand for balance, he smiled internally - much better - then she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, questioning him for his action.

Shivay's irritation was back. "Why did you not reply when you weren't going to wait for me to come and pick you?" he asked all jittery.

Anika stared at him in blank incomprehension at first, then understanding dawned, "I think you made a mistake in the side - Tia on the other side" she replied quietly and was turning away. Shivay grabbed her elbow; he wasn't letting it off so easily.

"I am talking to the right person! I had texted you, not Tia." He replied through gritted teeth.

"When did you text me? I didn't ---" then she produced her phone from her purse to check. Sure enough there was an unread text message in her inbox from Shivay. Oh - she exclaimed, this was the one she didn't read, assuming it was Om's. She opened it.

6:03p.m. [Hi, I am sorry about last night. I want to sort this - without getting all worked up. Can I come and pick you up for the movie? We will get time to talk then. I know you are angry - so if you really don't want me to pick you, text back a reply. If I don't get a reply, it means you've given consent.]

She gasped, then she turned automatically to look at Shivay, with an apologetic expression.

"Did you go home to get me?" she asked softly, her tone helped in bringing down his anger considerably.

"Yes, I rang the doorbell for fifteen minutes." He replied.

"I am so sorry Shivay, I missed this text completely" she replied in concern.

"It's fine. And I am sorry too. Both about last Friday and yesterday." Shivay managed to revert. She smiled in reply, and then turned to watch the movie. Shivay smiled too, for the first time in a few days, he was feeling light.

After the movie Shivay had decided to have a word with Tia, so he told her personally to keep herself available - Tia agreed reluctantly. She neither wanted to crate a doubt in Daksh's mind, nor did she dare goof around right before Om.

Anika was hopeful, she had Shivay were in a common space after a very long time, and in all likelihood the space was not just that of acquaintances - true they weren't buddies, but they were slightly more comfortable in each other's company. She almost smiled at the thought when Shivay came to where she stood with Om, and told them, he was not going to join them any further, as he and Tia were doing dinner together. As he left, Anika let out a sigh, that didn't go unnoticed by Om.

ShivOmRu SS ~ Cross ConnectionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang