ID, SC- Matchmaker

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Hey! Soooo I just watched Endgame for the 13th time tonight and need a pep-me-up.... so here you go! I also am probably going to bench my Dr. Banner idea just due to the fact I am having to research more into the S.T.E.M. field (I am a global studies/ linguistics major.. not S.T.E.M.) to write it more accurately and more into his past. I am still working on it though so it will be coming in the future.


"Peter Parker-Stark! Please come here," Tony called to his teen, "I really could do with your help."

"Hey dad," Peter said sliding into the room due to his socks making it slippery, with his shoes in his hand, "What do you need help with?"

"Were you going somewhere," Tony gave his kid a questioning look, "If you are then it can wait kiddo. It's not life or death or anything. It's just a few things about this wedding."

"Uhm yeah, I was planning on going to my friend's place to study," Peter shrugged. "If you need help though I can ask them to push our time back though.."

Tony noticed how Peter tensed up slightly at just the idea that he may need to reschedule his study session. This caused Tony to shake is head and smile, "Nah kid, you go study. We can talk when you get back. Have fun studying with Ned."

At the mention of Ned's name Peter paused before quickly nodding his head, "Yeah.. yeah I will! Uhmmm thanks dad. I'll be a bit. Love you!" Peter smiled widely running towards the elevator, grabbing his bag on the way. The last thing Tony saw as the doors of the elevator closed was his kid jumping around and almost face planting trying to get his shoes on. 

"Man my kid is so strange," He said fondly.


Sir it appears that Underoo's heart rate has increased substantially.

Tony shot up from the project he was working on in his lab table at this news.

"Friday, is he on patrol? I thought he said he was going to his friend's house?"

No sir he is sedintary . It appears to be related to anxiety and what seems to be fondness for his friend.

"Fondness? Hey Fri, show me what is happening"

Activating Baby Monitor Protocol

What appeared in front of Tony though was something he definitely did not expect.


"So, MJ, this is a nice place you have. I like your curtains.." The flustered teen managed to get out before stopping at the dead panned look that he recieved.

"Uhh thanks loser. So I was thinking that we could start with Chemistry and then move on the English before ending with some History." The girl, MJ, said getting straight to buisness. 

"Yeah. Sounds good." Peter said quickly still standing awkwardly by the door of MJ's room.

"Come on nerd. I don't bite, just sit down wherever," MJ said raising an eyebrow when Peter almost tripped over his feet walking over to sit on the edge of her bed.


Okay Fri, I have seen enough," Tony said with a small smile, waving his hand dismissively. It was obvious to him that Peter really liked this girl. He just couldn't see for the life of him why he hasn't done anything about his feelings yet. Tony decided right then and there that he was going to help his kid out. At this decision he made a call.


"Hey dad, I'm home," Peter said walking into the living room. When he got no reply he decided to go down to the lab. He turned to the elevator but the doors remained shut, "Hey Friday, can you open the elevator? I need to talk to dad."

The life of Spider-ManΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα