Chapter 12 - Realization

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You froze. Ezekiel had you in his arms. Uriel came over and grabbed on to him also and you felt yourself being lifted. You looked down and saw yourself fly right throw Lucifer's bedroom, then out of his window and saw LA below you. You screamed, starting to kick. 

"Stop thrashing around. If I drop you you will die and I can't have you die just yet." Ezekiel said into your ear. You stopped, but you started to shake in fear.

"Why?" You asked but your question went unanswered. You watched as LA soon turn into dessert and Ezekiel started to descend. He landed on a small patch of sand. He let you go and you moved but didn't run. LA, or any town, was now miles away. 

"Why?" You yelled. Uriel and Ezekiel looked at each other before Ezekiel looked at you but didn't say anything. You looked at them also, but soon started to get scared.      

"Please don't kill me." You said. Ezekiel laughed a bit. 

"My dear. Angels can't kill a human without consequences." Ezekiel said. 

"But i'm not one right now brother. I can kill her and get my wings back." Uriel said, walking to you but Ezekiel stopped his again.

"And you know why you can't!" Ezekiel shouted. You swallowed the lump in your throat. 

"And why is that?" You asked. The both looked at you. Uriel ran his hand throw his hair. 

"Tell her bother." Uriel said. Ezekiel nodded. 

"(y/n). Humans are not meant to have angelic wings. Our father put them on you for some strange reason, one he wouldn't tell me. Those wings belong to my late brother, Uriel. He was killed with a blade that abolished his soul. He's only here because in hell, Lucifer's door is him killing his own brother. I took the manifestation to get revenge on our father. He took my love from me. I will take his from him." Ezekiel said. You took a step back.

"And who's his love?" You asked. Uriel smiled. 

"Can i tell her bother?" He asked. Ezekiel nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. 

"Humanity!" Uriel shouted. You looked confused. Ezekiel nodded.

"I knew you wouldn't understand. Once I get Uriel's wings back, We will destroy humanity by giving all of them wings." Ezekiel said. You smiled and started to laugh. 

"Whats so funny?" Uriel asked. You looked at them. 

"Both of you. How will that destroy humanity?" You asked, still laughing. You saw Ezekiel and Uriel both smiled and your laughing stopped slowly. 

"My dear. when your wings appeared, what did you do?" Ezekiel asked. You looked down, remembered the first time you saw them. 

"I thought I was crazy." You said. You felt a hand under your chin, lifting your head up and saw you were staring into Ezekiel's blue eyes. 

"And if the whole world, all 7.7 billion people suddenly got them?" He asked. Your eyes grew wide and Ezekiel's smile grew wider. 

"That's right." He said. You backed up. 

"No, no you can't do that!" You shouted. Ezekiel shook his head.

"And who's going to stop me? You?" He asked in a mocking tone. You nodded and Uriel laughed. 

"Your a human. You can't kill us. Your not even a match for us!" Uriel shouted. 

"But I will try! You can't kill me to get your wings so I will be fine as long as I don't die. Mike fail, so will your other plan." You said. Ezekiel started to laugh. You looked confused. 

"(y/n). I never said we couldn't kill you. Well, I can't, but Uriel here. He can." Ezekiel said. You looked at Uriel who was smiling and nodding. You looked back at Ezekiel.   

"Then why don't you just have him kill me?" You asked. Ezekiel sighed, before looking sad. 

"Because." Ezekiel said. You started to get mad.

"Because why?" You yelled. He looked at you before walking up to you, grabbing your arms and kissing you. your froze. The kiss felt wrong. He then pulled away from you, still holding your arms and looked into your eyes. 

"Because I want to know why father put the wings on my love." Ezekiel said. You gasped. 

"I...I..." You couldn't speak but Ezekiel nodded.

"You were Melina. My love from back in the day." Ezekiel said and kissed you again. You snapped out of the shock and started to push him away. He let you go and you moved away from him.

"Don't touch me!" You screamed. Ezekiel looked hurt. 

"Please." He said. You shook your head. He looked hurt and you saw Uriel walk up to him.

"I told you she wouldn't remember brother." Uriel said. Ezekiel looked at you, tears in his eyes before they hardened and he nodded. Uriel smiled and walked towards you, a knife in his hand. 

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