Chaptrer 12: Arthus Adana

Start from the beginning

Marcus walked pretty far ahead of the group, so Arty took the opportunity to try and break the ice with his fellow students, "So... You think we'll ever get to learn to shoot a gun?" Arty was asking the question rhetorically of course, he knew how to shoot a gun. His mom had taught him how to fire a rifle, not very well though. Tau was always a far better aim than he was, but that's probably just because she was older.

Several of the students glanced back at Arty like he was crazy. Arty couldn't tell if the stupefied looks on their faces were just because they couldn't understand his question or if they just were baffled that one of the group was actually trying to socialize. Krent, who Arty just knew as the kid with lightning powers, said to Arty bluntly, "Why would we learn to use guns?" The boy clenched his fist as electricity bristled up to his hand, "We're supposed to blast our enemies to pieces with magic. We don't need guns."

Mara W. Spoke up in Arty's defense, "Well, not all of us are super well equipped to 'Blast our enemies to Pieces with Magic' so I for one, would appreciate being able to use a gun." Mara turned to Brinton and smiled, "You could deflect your bullets straight into the enemy. You'd never miss!"

Brinton's face, to Arty's amazement, flooded red and turned into what can only be described as a tomato. He stammered out a response, "Yuh-yuh-Yeah, that would be pretty cool." Mara W.  just smiled to herself and lightly rolled her eyes.

Then Zaben spoke up, "I don't know how smart a gun would be. I mean, think about it. If you're holding a rifle in both your hands how are you supposed to use magic?"

Arty thought about it for a few seconds and then realized that Zaben had a pretty good point, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Zaben spoke again, "Well, I guess we could use, like, a handgun or something? In one hand a gun, in the other hand your magic."

Krent just rolled his eyes, "Ahh you suckers can stick to your guns! I didn't come here to learn how to shoot a pistol, I came here to fry some elves! and that's exactly what I'll be doing."

Arty was trying to think up a response when Marcus and the group turned the corner down another Alley way, and saw surprisingly a rather large group of people gathered further down the alley. Most of them were men, and they seemed to be dressed in mostly casual attire or factory clothes. Some of them had signs. Arty wondered if it was supposed to be a group of workers striking or just some people protesting the government? Marcus, turned around sharply and looked at the other students, who all seemed rather concerned. He spoke quietly but direct, "We're going to turn around and go another way."

One of the students asked "why?"

Marcus just walked past him and answered, "it's not safe."

Arty studied the group closer as his fellow students turned around. They seemed almost uppity, less like a group of striking workers and more like a mob.

Krent also hadn't turned around, "This is stupid." He said with a surprising amount of Volume, "I came here to learn how to fight, not how to run. If these guys are any trouble I'll just zap 'em into an early grave!"

To Arty's concern one member of the group, which by Arty's count probably numbered about 50 adults, turned to towards Arty and the other Students. He shouted something incomprehensible to the group and, then without warning the mob started charging at Arty and the other students.

    Marcus turned around and a look of shock widened on his face. "Run!" he shouted to the students.

The group quickly complied with Marcus' command, but Arty was distracted by Krent's words, "Screw that! If they want a fight we should give 'em one!"

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