Chapter 8

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I checked the clock, it was 3:30, they shouldn;t be getting home till at least 8. I decided to take a nap. I had barely dozed of when I heard  someone come in the house and shouts from downstairs. I slowly left my room and looked over the railing down into the hallway. All I saw was drips of blood on the carpet below. Wondering if it was mine I touched my hand to my temple, it wasn't. I went back to my room and slammed the door. Whatever they had gotten themselves into, they could deal without me.

I locked the door and sat down gingerly on the bed slowly letting myslef lie back. I grabbed my burrito, which was still quite frozen but I didn't care, and took a bite out of it crunching into the icy salsaII. Then I heard a knock on my door. It was controlled unlike the drunken 'come out and play' knocks I was ussually faced with. I grunted in response. 

"Quinn, it's Kyle." He sounded sober.

"What do you want?"

"I haven't drunk yet today okay?"

"Congrats." I said sarcastically, he did this every once in a while.

"Quinn please I was shot okay? Please help. I'm sorry alright?"


"Im sorry!"

"No, before that.Who shot you?" I decied to play along. This could be potentially amusing.


I opened the door. Casey was going to kill me.

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