Chapter 17

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As the sun filtered through the window on to my eyes I could not stop the smile that broke out on to my face. For once I had slept in peace with no nightmare's, but I couldn't say the same for Draco for he had dark rings under his eyes that showed that he had not slept good for the past few nights. I stayed were I was, which was encircled by Draco's arms with my head over his heart. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:00 A.M. and I had a feeling that we would not be up for some time seeing as I could notice with out disturbing Draco's sleep that he needed so I just slowly closed my eyes and went to my made up world.






I was walking up to a beautiful home no more like manor when I got to the gates I saw the letter (M) in the middle of the iron gates that opened by them self. When I got to the front door a little house elf opened it for my and said

" Good day Mistress Lady Malfoy, can Quarter help Mistress?" it said in a happy squeaky voice I smiled and said that I would love some tea.

"Quarter go tell Master Malfoy that the mistress is home?" I just nodded. I wounded who is the Master Malfoy is? I thought to my self, just then I got my answer I saw Draco walk in and a big smile came on his face he hugged me and the kissed me long and


"Welcome back home Pet." He said in my ear. I giggled and smiled even more as he let go of me and took my hand and led me in to the kitchen and grabbed a apple and bit in to it with a crunch. After he finished eating he spoke up.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the garden tonight Luna?" I nodded my head yes and I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers together. As we walked around the gardens we came to a place were there was a large oak tree.

"It's 18 years old" Draco said in a whisper.

"What?" I said.

"That oak tree is 18 years old I planted it with my Mother when I was 2. So I'm 2 years older then the tree. I have always loved this tree it was perfect for climbing and hiding form the house elf's that were told to get me in the bath." He said the last part in a laugh. I leaned into his chest and then he kissed my roughly and his hands slowly traveled down to my bum and gave it a some what of a heard squeeze.

"Good mourning sleepyhead." I turned over and came nose to nose with the smirking face of Draco. I just turned over and pulled the sheets up over my head.

"No you don't pet." Draco laughed as he pulled me up and into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into him. I felt Draco kiss the back of my neck then my shoulders and he rolled us over to were Draco was on top and said.

"I'm dreaming I know it ,but I just don't want to stop your the only good in my life right now." He mumbled.

"No your not dreaming I'm right here it's all real Draco."

"Then pleas tell me you love me pet, tell my so that way I can be happy if only for a short time. I know you have lost a lot of people but you still have me, and you all was will."

"Same here Draco even through you have done so many bad thing you still have me." Then Draco's lips came crashing down on to mine with a powerful lustful hunger that scared me just a little, but I kissed him back gently and placed my hand on his chest and once we pulled away we were both breathing hard.

"Pet, I think I'm in love with you." I felt pride bubble up in my chest along with love.

" Draco, I think I'm in love with you too." He chuckled and kissed me once more , but this time slower and more gentler all most as if he could hurt me.

"Draco you can't hurt me." Draco got a dark look on his face and then he whispered,

"Luna you have no idea what I am capable of and what I am not capable of doing, pet I can hurt you badly if I wanted to."

"But you don't so I'm safe. now quit being so stubborn and just be your self ok?" He nodded and then for the rest of the day we walked around the gardens of Hogwarts and just enjoyed the day, but what we didn't know was that someone was watching us, closely.

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