No Sex Game

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(Y/N) had invited her co-workers over to have a little get together and in the midst of partying, her boyfriend, Levi had come over to 'introduce' himself. More like interrogate any guy co-worker that had looked at you. Especially since you wore his favorite dress. It was beautiful yes but, to Levi, it was too revealing. It was a sleeveless spring dress. The base color was beige and beautiful red flowers littered the bottom and middle. To top it all off, a slit was made to reach all the way up to your waist, revealing your slender brown leg. That dress was a no-no to wear in public. But who listens? You don't. You could feel his eyes on you, undressing you with his eyes.
You ignored him and continued to welcome new guests. Eventually, (B/F), Jackson, Chris, Hanji and Erwin had come too. You were happy that everyone had come by! Classical music, wine and little snacks were perfect for a get together! Well, other than your boyfriend sizing you up from across the room. Man, why was he so hot? It was just a simple dress and it had a professional look to it. Anyways, you took a fork and lightly tapped it against your glass cup of red wine. Everyone turned their heads towards you and smiled. You smiled back, proud of a good get together this was,

"I just want to say thank you all so much for coming to this get together. I know we can be a little bit on the dickish side when it comes to marketing but I felt it deep inside that we were more than just co-workers. We family!"

(Y/N) raised her glass and everyone else followed. Everyone, except Levi of course. He was still giving death glares to the men who were ahem... 'Eyeing' you. Annoyed and slightly aroused by staring at your figure as if it was his next meal. He finally made his way towards you and wrapped an arm around your waist, sliding his hand up and down your hip. He guided you to your bedroom, giving small smiles and nods to anyone who looked in his direction. You knew what he was trying to do, but you wanted to keep entertaining your guests. Once you got to the hallway leading to your bedroom, you turned to face him and hugged him. But, you were really trying to scold him, talking so only he could hear you,

"Ima need you to keep it in your pants until everyone leaves."

"It's not my fault you didn't listen to me is it, princess?"

"Well, my boss is here so I can't do anything anyways."

"He won't notice 10 minutes pass by."

"I don't believe you."

"You know you're not supposed to wear this dress anyways don't you?"

You nodded.

"And you know, that you'd have to be punished right?"

You nodded again.

"That's what I thought. Now Get. In. The. Room."

Arousal obvious in your ragged breath and half-lidded eyes, you ran to tell your boss that you had to take care of your boyfriend because he wasn't 'feeling well' and that you'd need to 'take care' of him. You both ran to the back room to fulfill your dirtiest desires.

You both walked out of the backroom feeling refreshed and stretched. The first thing you noticed was that everyone had left, except Jackson, Chris and a very annoyed looking (B/F). Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot. The place was clean at least, which made Levi calm down the slightest after coming out with you,

"Y'all are nasty. You two need to learn some restraint for once!"

"(B/F), we're a couple. We are in love!"

"No, no, no that wasn't love. That was sex! There's a difference."

Levi butted in with his own retort.

"There's also a difference between actual clean and half-assed clean. But I guess you wouldn't know that, would you?"

(B/N) glared at you both, but then it was replaced with a smirk,

"I bet, that you two couldn't last a week with no sex."

(Y/N) paled. No sex? Not even teasing? (Y/N) was gonna spill, until Levi spoke first,

"Tch, we could go three weeks."

Levi x African-American!Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt