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My darling sister, you shall make an honest woman out of me

As we share our hopes and dreams; we look for salvation in one another over greed

As we watch the sunset, the darkness invades

Our light fades as the moon plays with the sun astray

You dont say much but, I see it in your eyes when fear strikes the night

Your eyes reveal more than the contortions you wear as obscurity turns to grey

Your grief was once your exhilaration


Staring out in the garden I watch as my children play holding hands, laughing their innocence fertile. I watch as they run chasing each other as Annabelle falls Evangeline runs to her younger sisters rescue as she sees her bleeding her anger spikes. Upset she burns the fallen tree branches as punishment for the pain they caused; seeing Belles tears, she bends down to heal her broken skin. I watch as they wipe each others tears continuing to play on the swings as Evangeline pushes Annabelle back and forth. Tears fall as I think of the future in seeing my girls grow up and one becoming Queen. My future is not written in stone though I do wish to witness such moments of significance. I fear for their life when I think back to how this all began.

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