• Chapter Two •

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"Romeo where art thou Romeo." I glanced over the balcony waiting for my one true love to show but was slightly confused as I couldn't see a pair of beautiful sea blue eyes and silky blonde hair anywhere in the midnight sky.

"Juliet." I turned around quickly, seeing my father.

"Yes father." I bowed then froze for a few seconds. I looked down and saw that I was wearing an old fashioned dressing gown that did not look fashion approved whatsoever. I lifted my hand and was taken aback to see that my skin was quite fair compared to my usual olive tone and ran my fingers shakily through my hair to see that it was darker than usual.

What the hell, I thought to myself and snapped my head when I heard my father call my name again.

"Juliet, I'm afraid I have bad news to bear with you." My father said and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why is he calling me Juliet, my name is Madeleine. I felt light headed all of a sudden and almost collapsed to the ground if I hadn't leaned on the dresser next to me for balance. My father rushed to my side and tried to shake me.

"Juliet," his worried tone faded and shifted into a ladies voice?

"Madeleine." I jolted, instantly regretting it as my eyes felt blinded by the bright white lights in the room. I blinked a few times to readjust my sight then looked around my surroundings, and saw my classmates looking back at me, some snickering and others with humour laced in their eyes. My eyes then glued onto the lady standing in front of my desk, arms crossed as she hissed at me. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I apologised profusely to Miss Diane. I cant believe I fell asleep in class, I murmured under my breath, mentally facepalming myself.

"Well seeing as you like to waste my valuable time by using it as your resting time, you now have to stay back after school for detention." she coldly glared and my jaw dropped. Detention? This is the first time I've ever gotten detention and on the worst day too. Today was the party and if I showed up late to Sonya's to get ready, I wasn't going to hear the end of it.

"But Miss-"

"Now that's two detentions."

"You don't understand. I cant stay back today." I tried to explain but was cut off again.

"Three detentions. Continue to test me Madeleine." she glared.

"Oh you got to be kidding me." I mumbled under my breath and Miss Diane banged her ruler on my desk making the whole class including myself jump.

"That's it, you just earned yourself a weeks worth of detention Miss Greene. And because you just love to interrupt me while I'm trying to teach, why don't you pack your bags and head over to Principal Fuller's office." she walked off leaving a cold trail in her path and I shoved my books into my bag, furious at what just happened.

I walked to the door, softly smiling at those who sent me sympathetic smiles and sent an extra big one to Miss Diane, who just shut the door on me even though I was only halfway out. Ouch, I rubbed my arm that hit the door and did the walk of shame to the office.

The office was the worst place to go. I hated it. There were always three office ladies in there, who had permanent frowns stitched onto their faces and it was always so stuffy in that room because they did not like the cold, which was ironic considering the fact that they were cold-hearted old souls. I walked in and immediately get myself get hot. I took off my jacket leaving me in my maroon singlet and walked to the front desk, seeing the head office lady, Mandy typing away on the old computers.

I waited a little longer but she seemed to ignore my presence. Typical. I faked a cough and Mandy froze, her eyes snapped in my direction and I felt a chill go through me. Don't get me wrong, I support office ladies all the way, but she was the equivalent of a demon crossed with cleopatra.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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