Chapter 2

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"Summer Vacation"

Chapter Two

"Please stay in this designated area and wait for your parents or guardian to pick you up and sign you out. Failure to do so will lead to immediate suspension once school recommences."

Mikan could hardly believe it, but she heard the words come from her favorite teacher's mouth herself. Everyone heard it; the entire student population stood outside the gate of the academy. When the academy's golden gates locked, it felt like the closing of her home. She shook the feeling of her nervous anticipation off from the day to stay upbeat. Golden gates. Ha, gold, something so closely synonymous with heavenly things equated to a dark place like this. Some of Natsume's dislike of the academy had rubbed off on her, but overall she wouldn't have traded her experiences there for anything. It was through the deceitful academy that she had met her closest friends, her family, and her lover. Well, would be lover, Natsume had been distant since the announcement last week.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Koko and Sumire, who was still fuming, sitting on their matching zebra print suitcases. Once Sumire had calmed down from her fit in class, she had grudgingly agreed to pack her things. Koko and Sumire—It made Mikan want to shed a few tears to think that the two students with the liveliest personalities were orphans. Whether they had both been orphans all along or just recently she didn't know. It hurt her worst than her friends because she knew without her grandfather she would have been one too.

"Hey, Mikan over here!"

A smiling Tono towered over her. His arms wrapped around a short, plump woman, and his angular face pressed against her round one. His mother was nearly identical to him. She remembered her senpai Tsubasa saying that Tono was a momma's boy, and judging by the proud look on the newly graduated Tono's face she knew he was right.

"I will be seeing this little lady a lot more often," he said referring to his mother. The woman laughed at her son's comment and motioned for Mikan to come closer. Instantly, she was plunged into a bone-crushing mother's hug. It was so rare for Mikan to meet someone as friendly and loving as herself!

"Kindred spirits always seem to run into one another. It's no coincidence why my baby boy looks after you. I always knew he liked younger women," His mother said, winking. "Once Tono takes over the family business, I hope you'll be the one to make him settle down." Mikan didn't have the heart to tell the sweet lady how misinformed she was. However, Tono couldn't have looked more amused, until a random shoe mysteriously clocked him in the head. His mood darkened. Why did foreign objects always seem to hit her senpais? Hmm...

"Mikan!" She heard her name called in the midst of the rush of parents locating their children. A flurry of reunions took place around her. Her heart beat happily watching the joy on her friend's faces. A purple headed man, presumably Nonoko's father, swept her up in his arms. Class president Yuu's entire family met him in a warm embrace, and their group hug hadn't dissolved yet. Misaki, who was like her older sister, reunited with her own female siblings, all of them with tears running down their face and ruffled up pink hair. Tsubasa walked over to introduce his girlfriend to his two older brothers, dad, and mom.

"Don't tell me you didn't hear me, Mikan?" The voice of the black-haired, fire-caster stole her attention and did not intend to give it back anytime soon.

His hair was combed back and he wasn't wearing the usual black academy uniform; instead, he wore a casual black shirt and pants, which for Natsume meant he made an effort to get dressed this morning. He looked handsome. Even he was happy.

"Huh? No Polka?" She teased. "You missing me already? Aw, Mr. Hyuuga you're getting sappy now. Don't forget me over the break, kay?" She dropped her bags and reached for a hug. He met her midway, engulfing her in his warmth.

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