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Billie got up as the blonde-haired man cut the rope from his wrist and ankles, as he rubbed his wrist he looked at the two,” How did you find me?” He asked them. The girl looked up at the man, waiting for him to provide an answer. “I’m Alaric, this is Hope.” He said gesturing to the girl,” You appeared on our tracker and we’re here to rescue you from…whatever those were.” Hope explained.

“I’m Billie, and those were demons and there are more on the way, we need to get out of here.” Billie told them. He led them out of the cave but saw one of the bull-headed demons return with an athame in his hands. He threw an energy ball at them. “Get down!” Billie yelled. He jumped in front of Alaric and the energy ball through him into the cave wall, he landed with a hard thud on the ground. Billie managed to get to his feet, the demon fired more energy balls but he sent them hurling back. “We need to get going.” Billie said, you could hear he was weakened. Alaric helped him get to the car, Hope opened the door and Billie got into the back seat.

“Why would you risk your life like that?” Hope asked from the passenger seat. Billie gave her a weak smile, ”I risk my life to save the innocent, it’s in the job description of being The Charmed One.” He said. “Where are you taking me?” Billie asked. “To a school where you’ll be safe.” Alaric answered him. Billie nodded his head, ”Do you guys have a nurse there?” He asked. Alaric nodded his head,” We do, why?” he answered.

“Because I’m going to need a very good one.” Billie told them as he collapsed on the back seat, revealing a large open wound where the energy ball had hit him.

“Billie!” Hope yelled.

“Billie, stay with us!”

Alaric parked in front of the school door, where Josie and Lizzie were waiting for him, Alaric opened the backseat door and pulled Billie out. “Welcome to the Salvator- “The girls said in unison but stopped when they saw the unconscious boy in their father’s arms, they rushed to open the school door as their father rushed him into the nurse’s room and laid him down on the bed. “What happened to him daddy?” Lizzie asked, both her and Josie looked to him for an answer. Alaric let out a breath as he stared at Billie, who had tubes and clips on him.

“He’s the boy who saved my life.”

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