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It was the beginning of the November. The sun was shyly looking at the world through the clouds. It's rays were dancing on the faces of humans causing them to blink their sleepiness away.

Hazeleyed woman ran her fingers through her chocolate tresses while trying to tame her hair. However the wind had other plans. He didn't wanted to loose his dancing partner.

Young woman was returning home from her job. With her shadow as her only company she slowly made her way to the bus station. Her high heels made a clicking noise as she gracefully walked towards her destination.

She was too early and she knew it. Even though, out of habit she casted a glance at her watch. Half an hour. Brunette thought.

As always, many people were waiting for their bus to come. With a silent sigh, the woman closed her eyes while trying to sort out her thoughts.

Since high school, she never payed her attention towards boys. Instead she completely focused on her career. Still, that didn't mean she didn't stole hearts of few boys.

She was always too serious and unaccepted in her surroundings. But she never minded it. Many people were scared to approach her as well, in fear of being rejected. Untill one day, a boy, now a man, decided to confess his feelings for her.

Being as shy as he was he slowly approached her. Sucking up a breath so desperately he was trying to find a little bit of courage to do so. Gathering up all of the courage he has, he slowly exhaled as found himself walking towards her. Every step felt like a walk through fire but he endured it all for her. Owner of his heart and his lady, Doris.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth but words didn't wanted to come out of his lips. Clearing his throat he made his way to his hearts owner. „Doris.” he called her name.

Young woman turned around at the sound of her name. He seemed familiar to her but she couldn't recognize him at first. She had to raise  her head even more to fully look at him since he was so tall that her head could only reach his chest. He didn't have six pack nor did he looked strong.

It was a very skinny and tall young man with unusually long and thick firelike red hair that reached his  round butt. His eyes were as green as those of a kitten. His skin was paler than hers. His face was decorated with small freckles that spread to his arms. But that made him even cuter in her eyes.

A small climbed up on her face finding it's way to her naturally pink lips. Her face had no make up at all despite her being an owner of a company. She only relied on her natural beauty. After all she had no reason to cover her face as if it was some painting.

He felt her eyes on him as she eyed him. His face immediately went thousand shades of her favorite color, red. He bit his lower lip at the discomfort of being watched. He felt like a mouse being watched by a cat.

He couldn't take it anymore and his gaze fell to the ground as he broke the eye contact.

„Yes.” she answered softly and loud enough for him to hear.  He immediately rose his head in embarrassment. Fe felt as sweat hugged his whole body. His mind suddenly became empty. All words suddenly disappeared from his brain leaving him alone in his mess.

He opened his mouth but immediately after, he closed them and clenched his teeth. He clenched his fists than opened them. Redhead avoided her gaze. He licked his lips abd slowly exhaled. „I, well...” he started. „Uhh... ummm....” he ran his finger through his thick fire locks.

„You see... I'm...” he silently cursed himself for stuttering. His cheeks were more red than his hair.

He sucked in a breath. He seemed to search his words with his eyes. He could feel his heart wanting to tear his chest apart and run away.

He tried to brush the sweat off of his cold and sweaty hands.

He tried to avoid her gaze but instead got captured by her curious hazel orbs. His adored lady nodded her head for him to continue.

He swallowed and closed his eyes while trying to hide up his embarrassment. He opened them up and bit his lower lip as he started to get closer to right words. „I have always... That sounds so stupid...” he mumbled to himself feeling on the verge of tears from embarrassment.

„Continue.” Doris encouraged him. She pushed the rebellious runaway lock of her long brown hair behind her ear.

„I always wanted to say this to you so... Please hear me out for a bit.” He was slowly and carefully picking up the right words when the bus came.

Tears were starting to sparkle in his light green eyes like morning dew on the grass as he was sure that she would leave with the bus. He shut his eyes tightly. However despite his expectations and pessimism she waited. The bus has left and they silently stood in front of each other.

The hope shined in his eyes as he continued speaking. „You were always working so hard in school and always gave your best. You never gave up no matter what.” He looked down on the left side as small smile appeared on his face.

„It really inspired me.” he said confidentiality. He smiled even more. „Your smile, your voice, your deeds... I... I love them all. What I want to say is... I love you Doris.”

It seemed like the whole world has just stopped for a moment. Noone has ever confess their feelings to her. In fact she never had someone say they want to be friends with her let alone to confess! It warmed up her lonely heart and broke all the walls she build. She couldn't believe her eyes nor her ears. He looked so cute while blushing madly and bitting his lip. She wondered how come it doesn't bleed from so much bitting. Her eyes watered up from overwhelming emotions but she blinked them away. A smirk climbed up her face.

She wasted no more time. Doris rose on her shoes to grab him but it was useless. She groaned in annoyance and grabbed him by his light blue shirt. When he was on her hight level she grabbed his chin and slammed her lips on his. He blinked few times than they closed their eyes. They were both inexperienced cause it was their first kiss. Their tounges danced together as they explored each other's mouth. He happily gave up his control to her and she gladly accepted it.

She pushed her hand through his soft and thick hair. It was the softest thing she touched. She pushed her hand through it one more time as she enjoyed how long his tresses are. She could barely find their end. It felt amazing in her hand. He shivered at the touch but enjoyed it. Tall, long-haired man without big muscles were always her type.

Soon enough they lungs felt on fire and they broke the kiss as they gasped for air. She smiled at him. „From now on you are mine.” she said confidently. Her voice as soft and gentle as it was held her authority and dominance. She said it only loud enough for him to hear.

„Of course my queen. I'm yours as long as I live.” he smiled shyly as he looked at her with those bright eyes. Just looking at his eyes brought her memories of a very shy boy at her highschool. His name was Viktor.

And that was the beginning of new relationship.

Hello everyone, this is my first short story which contains only one chapter so there will be no sequel. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!


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