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« Park »

As Yuta agreed to g̶o̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶d̶a̶t̶e hang out with Sicheng, the two decided to stop by a park. A simple place to hang out. At least there was less money to spend.

In fact, these two decided to run to a playground in the park, playing like children. 

Sliding down slides that are a bit small for them, swinging on the small swings, and sometimes they would join some children playing, ignoring the judging stares they get from people.

Both Yuta and Sicheng were enjoying their time after all. They could care less about people looking at them weirdly for playing in the playground despite being two adults.

While playing with the swings, the two decided to take a break and find something to eat. To their luck, an ice cream truck comes by. Yuta and Sicheng walked up to it, ordering ice cream for themselves.

Afterwards, Yuta and Sicheng left to find a bench inside the park that they could use. Few minutes pass by and the two finally found a bench to sit on. As they took a seat on the bench, Yuta and Sicheng start enjoying their ice cream.

"That was fun! Maybe we should go try out that red slide again." Yuta said, then licking off some ice cream dripping off his cone.

"You have no idea how many times I've been electric shocked."

"E-E-E-Electric shock."

"Yuta-" Sicheng's arm suddenly got electric shocked as soon as he tried to place his arm on the bench leg.

Sicheng starts to wince out of pain and Yuta just laughs at how Sicheng reacted to the slight pain.

"You okay there?" Yuta rubs Sicheng's back while watching the funny pained expression on Sicheng's face.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Sicheng rubs his arm. Yuta nods and the two continue on finishing their ice cream before leaving the bench to go play in the playground again.

Yuta and Sicheng were having fun playing in the playground, until Yuta felt a single drop of water falling on his face. The sky began to rain, and the two rushed to find shelter.

Fortunately, there was a small playhouse in the playground and it was enough to fit Yuta and Sicheng inside.

« Playhouse »

As the two got inside the playhouse, Yuta and Sicheng sat down next to each other, cramped inside the small place.

"I didn't expect this to happen..." Sicheng sighs, his head facing down the ground. "I didn't even bring an umbrella."

"It's alright, I didn't bring one either." Yuta reassures Sicheng. "I think we should call one of our friends to pick us up."

"I'll go ahead and call Jaehyun." Sicheng shoves his hand inside his pocket. As he took his phone, he finds Jaehyun's contact name and taps on it, now waiting for Jaehyun to pick up the call.

The call was immediately accepted. "Hello?"

"Jaehyun, could you pick us up? We're in a park right now."

"You mean that park with the weird-looking flowers?"

"Yeah, that one."

"Alright, I'll go over there now." Jaehyun then hung up the phone, not saying anything else.

Sicheng puts his phone back in his pocket, now waiting for Jaehyun to arrive. Yuta then sneezes, shivering from the cold air. 

The Chinese male notices this and removes his jacket. "Here." He drapes his jacket around Yuta's shoulders, covering him up.

Yuta looks at the jacket that Sicheng covered him with, then looked at Sicheng. "Sicheng, you're going to get cold too."

"It's okay, I don't need i-" Before Sicheng could finish his sentence, Yuta draped the jacket around Sicheng's shoulders and his, making the two of them share the jacket.

"This is better." Yuta smiled while Sicheng was speechless for a moment.

"Yu-" Yuta's head falls onto Sicheng's shoulder, nestling up against Sicheng's warmth. Now the space between them was much more closer, and Sicheng couldn't help but blush immensely at the closeness.

"Let's stay like this until Jaehyun arrives." Sicheng only nodded to Yuta's words, far too nervous to say anything at all.

Every time the two huddled together for warmth, Sicheng could feel his face go red even more. The cramped space in the playhouse doesn't help him too.

Around five minutes passed by and Sicheng feels his phone vibrating in his pocket.

"J-Jaehyun's here now." Sicheng stammered, still shy about the closeness he had with Yuta in the playhouse. Yuta nods and the two readied themselves before finding Jaehyun outside the park.

« Outside of Park »

As the two find Jaehyun's car, they let themselves in and Jaehyun starts driving them home. The ride was quiet for a bit and Sicheng was too red to say anything. Though Yuta would sometimes ask him if he's okay, which Sicheng replies with a nervous yes.

After arriving at Yuta's apartment, Yuta opens the door, smiling and waving goodbye at them before rushing his way inside the building.

As Yuta left, Sicheng leans his head on the window, thinking back to what just happened inside the playhouse. Thinking about it more made Sicheng's cheeks flush again.

Jaehyun wanted to question what was going on in Sicheng's head, but decided not to.

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