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It was not long after Fandral had left the throne room that he started to prepare for his journey to Midgard. He made sure that his rapier was sharpened and his armor was all in order before he started to head towards the Bifrost. He was nearing the bridge when suddenly his path was cut off by his friends.

"Where are you off to?" Volstagg asks first as he folds his arms over his chest with an eyebrow raised toward the blonde.

"The All-Father has tasked me with a mission on Midgard."

"Oh? Midgard?" Thor asks as he comes over and wraps an arm around Fandral's shoulders as they look towards the bridge. "You know, I'm quite familiar with Midgardians now. Perhaps I should join you."

Fandral hesitantly shook his head towards his friend before looking towards all four of them. "I believe Odin wants this mission to be quiet. And you, my good friend, tend to not be so quiet." This earns a hearty laugh from Volstagg and smirk from Lady Sif.

Thor gasps in feigned offense towards that statement. "I can be quiet if I want to be, Fandral."

"But when do you ever want to be quiet?" Sif adds in, her smirk widening. Thor shook his head as he looks down towards his feet.

"I am sorry, my friends, but, for now, this is a one man mission. If I require assistance, I shall call upon Heimdall to inform you." Fandral says with a slight smile, patting Thor on the shoulder as he looks between all of them.

"Be careful," Hogun says simply as Fandral starts to head to the bridge again.

"Our grim friend is right. Be careful. We all know that Midgard has changed from what we were used to," Lady Sif says as they all turn to watch Fandral.

"Do not fret about me! When has Fandral the Dashing ever been in that sort of trouble?" Fandral calls out to them, walking backwards for a moment.

"Nearly everyday!" Volstagg calls back. Fandral shook his head, smiling before turning back around. He made his way into Heimdall's Observatory where the gatekeeper was waiting for him.

"Good Heimdall-" Fandral starts before Heimdall raised a hand and interrupted him.

"I already know," Heimdall starts as he looks at the blonde warrior with an almost emotionless expression. "You will arrive in what the Midgardians call a park. Once you arrive, walk to the nearest road and keep on that road until you reach your destination. The woman you seek is already there. Good luck."

Fandral nods towards the gatekeeper as he makes his way towards where the Bifrost opens. Heimdall starts his usually speech for whenever they use the bridge before putting his sword into the control panel. He turns the sword and the bridge opens, pulling Fandral into it.

When the bridge finally closes, he ends up exactly where the gatekeeper said he would. It was currently dusk on Midgard and there weren't many people around to see him arrive. He does as Heimdall told him and walks towards the nearest road. Fandral walks right into the middle of the road, seeming to look as if he had no idea that there were cars driving by him at fast speeds. He paid no mind to them as people shouted at him to get out of the road, completely unaware that the shouts were directed at him before someone actually physically pulled him out of the road and onto the sidewalk. The stranger shook their head towards him before walking away.

Fandral found that highly confusing. He was perfectly alright in the middle of the road, and that is where Heimdall told him to be. He furrowed his eyebrows with a shake of his head before continuing, this time on the sidewalk along the road.


Mia was halfway through her shift at Larry's Bar. There weren't that many customers right now and the usuals hadn't arrived yet or maybe at all. She didn't know. They either came or they didn't. She busied herself with wiping down the bar, humming along to the music that played from the stereo. Mia wished that it was one of those nights where a live band played at the bar, but that was usually on weekends. It was currently a Thursday. But she was content with the stereo for now.

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