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Mia Doberman was a walking tragedy, but her life wasn't always like it is. She had a good childhood, loving parents, and an older brother who doubled as a best friend of hers. Both of her parents were artists and taught Mia everything they knew about the subject. Fine art became a hobby of hers until they introduced her to the computer. Most of her free time was spent in paint and binary, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

She was happy, wild, and carefree. Life was simple and stable. They thought that their happiness was endless. But that all changed. Of course it all changed. Nothing can stay the same forever no matter how badly you want it to. No matter how happy and good things are. There was always something.

At the time it happened, Mia was twelve years old. Her older brother, Liam, had just turned sixteen and recently got his drivers license. It wasn't even a week after when he was in a major car accident. He was in the hospital for a month before he went brain dead. Their parents made the difficult decision to take him off life support. But the tragedy doesn't end there.

Mia's father, that same year, got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and wasn't expected to last much longer. She was only thirteen when he finally passed. Her mother went into a deep depression, which was no surprise to those who knew them and what they've gone through. It got worse and worse to the point she was unfit to continue to take care of Mia. Her mother loved her dearly, but even Mia knew that she needed help.

Her mother was placed into a mental institution and Mia was thrown into foster care. It was there that she met Darcy Lewis, now her younger foster sister and new friend. Darcy was the only person she really talked to about the things that happened in her life. Everything she went through. Over the years, she had forced herself to hide her feelings, especially for the sake of her mother. It was difficult for her to open up, but Darcy's naturally bubbly personality managed to have her do so, even though it was just to one person.

Mia's foster parents were very kind people, very well off financially, and tried their best to get her to open up to them. It was a hard task for them to carry out, usually ending up with them getting their information about Mia from Darcy. From her, they learned about Mia's hobbies and eventually got a laptop for her to use. To Mia at the time, they were computer geniuses. They taught her everything they knew. That was until she turned eighteen and got into M.I.T.

While at the school, her skills got noticed by an organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D, and before she even graduated, Mia already had a job lined up for her. Little did she know, her life was about to change even more after graduation. Nothing would be the same. Everything she thought was normal was going to change. No matter how hard she would try, it will never go back to normal. But will she want it to?


Disclaimer: all characters and actions from Marvel in this story are not mine. Mia Doberman is an original character and one of the only ones that belong to me in this story. Mia's storyline and actions are all mine. Any characters that do not appear in the MCU or comics, but appear here, are probably mine or a friend's.

Let it be known that this is rated mature for a reason and will have angst. Expect some adult language and actions.

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