X| Chapter 1 |X

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It was a cool summer night, you and Jackie had been traveling for what have felt like an eternity. We were heading to a camp just south of the Mall, Jackie said the people were nice and it could help us a lot more than camping inside walmarts n shit. She was right too, Jackie's always been keen and smart. "So, How much longer you think J?" I ask with a smile. I was happy to be traveling with her, makes it less lonely. "Oh, I'd reckon 4 more minutes" She replied smiling. "How'd you find out about this place again?" I questioned, Still paranoid on if it was a trap. "Remember? The Joel guy? He said that they could always use more people to help around and build a civilization." She answered. "He wasn't too bad I guess" I said with a more assured tone. Next thing I know we're standing in front of a lincoln log like gate with huge doors. Two men stood atop, They looked at us guns aimed. "Business here?" The left man shouted. "We're here to join, I'm Jackie this is Y/N" She shouted up to them. "Oh, Right Joel told me about you two kids" The man on the right replied, calmer than the man on the left. The gates opened, We walked inside. The place was fluttering with life, country music playing. A woman approached us and told us where our house was and who we roomed with. Me and Jackie parted and I walked inside the Blue house I was assigned. The door creaked harshly as I opened it. There sat a girl tuning her guitar she looked up at me. "Who the hell are you?" She said, seeming angry. "I'm Y/N I just came here, We're supposed to be roommates." I replied. The girl stood up and set her guitar down. "I'm Ellie, I guess I'll take you to the bedroom. You can have the other closet but there's only one bed, sorry." Ellie said to me. "It's okay, I can sleep out here if you want." I said not wanting to piss her off more. "No it's alright I'm used to sharin' my shit." Ellie replied. We walked back to the room, she sat on the bed while I unpacked my things putting them away. "So, why'd you come here?" Ellie asks. I looked up at her, I didn't notice at first but she was very pretty, She had a blue flannel on and ripped blue jeans. "Oh, My friend Jackie said we'd make a better living here, I just hope shes correct." I say. Ellie looks in my eyes and cocks a slight grin and her posture relaxes. "Well, this place isn't all that bad, The people are pretty nice here and we got food and roofs" Ellie says softly. Ellie looks out the window that was over the bed and says "Hey sorry for yellin' at you, I just have been really stressed lately.". I stand up and sit on the bed by her it creaks softly, not like the door early. " Wanna talk about it?" I ask. She looks down and exhales sharply. "I'm just worried about someone being hurt that's all, It's no big deal" She says, reassuring me. "So, How old are you?" I ask lightening the mood. She smiles and looks at me "19" she answers. "Oh hey me too!" I exclaimed. The lights outside dimmed down and I looked into her piercing eyes. Shit she's really fucking cute I think to myself. My ears got slightly hot, she must of noticed this her grin got bigger and she snorted, giggling. I throw a pillow at her and go out to the living room embarrassed. I hear a knock and get up and open the door, its Jackie. "Hey Y/N!" She blurts hugging me tightly. "Hey Jackie" I chuckle. "Who's your roommate?" She asks me. "Oh, just some girl, her names Ellie, Come on inside" I say walking over to the couch. You and Jackie sat on the couch she shifted and started into my eyes. "So my job is gonna be to cook, They told me to come tell you that your gonna be a scavenger" She told me. Ellie walked out leaning against the wall. "How funny, that's what I do. You'll come with me tomorrow and I can show you the ropes." Ellie said to me. I nod At least i'll have someone I 'know' with me. "Hi I'm Jackie Armstrong and you?" Jackie introduced herself. "I'm Ellie, Ellie Williams" Ellie answered. Jackie stood up, the old couch creaked with the sudden movement. Jackie stretched and walked out saying goodnight to us. "She's my best bud, We came her together" I said to Ellie. Ellie nods and walks back into the bedroom, I heard her body plop on to the bed. I should get some rest too, after all it's been quite the night. I stand up and walk across the cool wood floor a creak could be heard with each gentle step forward. I saw Ellie laying in the bed and I laid down too, my body sunk into the cool but soft bed. Ellie rolled over to face me making the soft white sheets rustle. "You'll meet more people tomorrow, we'll have to get an exit ticket. I'll also get you a bow and pistol." Ellie told me. "Sounds good, I have a hunting rifle in my backpack." I told her. She smiled at me "Oh, so your a hunter gal?" she teased "Yeah yeah, miss bow and arrow" I teased back. I rolled over pulling the sheets over myself. "Goodnight" I said softly. "Goodnight" She replied. I felt someone move me and get up, so I opened my eyes and looked up it was Ellie. She looked into my eyes and chuckled "You slept on me all night, Dork" she cooed. My ears got hot and I sat up frantically "S-Sorry!" I apologized quickly. The bed creaked as I sat up. Ellie turned around and took her blue collared long shirt off "Alright change and we'll head out" She said cooly. I stared at her as she took her shirt off, then quickly looked away and stood up my face was burning hot. God! What is up with me she's just some girl... I took off my current outfit and put on ripped black jeans and a T-Shirt with some old-world character on it. I had black combat boots and lots of bracelets. Shit... I ripped my only overcoat. Ellie looked at me and said "Hey, your gonna need more than a T-Shirt it's gonna be cold today" she threw me her blue collared shirt. I slipped it on my S/C Skin "Thanks, Mines ripped to shreds" I explained. She had blue jeans and a green flannel with sneakers and a brown shirt. I grabbed my worn backpack and hunting rifle walking out to the living room. Ellie walked out too, floor creaking lightly and walked out the door. "Come on, lets go to get a permit and get you a bow." She commanded, but in a nice tone. I followed her outside, the birds sang and there were people walking about. We walked down a gravel path to a medium sized wooden building. Ellie opened the door for me "Ladies first" She said. I walked in and she followed "Hey Frank!" Ellie shouted and waved at the cashier. The man looked up and smiled "If it isn't my favourite little rascal" He said. I smiled and waved at the man. "Oh? is this your new girlfriend?" He teased. My face got red as a firework on the fourth of July. Ellie shook her head chuckling "Nope, she's a newcomer I'm showing her the ropes-- But hey we never know" Ellie replied. He fetched a dozen arrows and a bow from behind him. "Alright, take her out back and see what she's made of" The man said to Ellie. We walked out a door leading to a secluded spot, there were targets and trees. "Have you ever used a bow?" Ellie asked handing me it, I stood in front of a target her behind me. "No, remember, I'm a hunter gal" I said. Ellie got close and guided my hands and arms, showing me a proper stance. If only this could last forever.. I thought to myself, blushing. "So now just pull back and release." Ellie explained. I did as she said and hit the second ring, I smiled. Ellie chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Nice job, your a natural." She praised. She took out her bow and pulled it back then released the arrow flew gracefully with a soft whiz sound hitting the red dot in the middle. "Your really good" I complimented studying her form. She blushed lightly and grinned, walking back over to me. She helped me aim the bow holding my arms and doing a pull motion, my back pressing against her form. "Alright, release" She instructed. I released and we hit a bullseye Ellie moved to beside me and smiled "Nice" She commented. We retrieved our arrows and I put my bow in my backpack. I looked at Ellie putting her stuff away She's so fucking cute, but what am I thinking, she wouldn't like a girl like me. I tried to bury the thought of her soft blue eyes and her perfect smile. Ellie stood up and led me out to the gravel path again. "Wanna grab some breakfast?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, I'm starving" I eagerly answered. She led me over to a tent with benches under it and a long set of tables with food and chefs tending to the food behind it. Ellie told me to sit down at a bench and I did. She came back with venison and oatmeal for us to eat. She sat down across from me eating her Oatmeal and I ate mine as well, it had brown sugar on it. "This is way better than the gamey meat we've eaten" I said to Ellie. "Yeah I bet" She chuckled. A girl came over to our table she had jet black hair done in a bun, she sat by Ellie. "Hey! Is this that new kid Joel was talking about?" The girl asked looking at me. "Yep, She is Dina, Her names Y/N" Ellie replied nicely. I waved to her and smiled warmly. "Well, I'm Dina I work on patrols" Dina said to me. "Oh, they assigned me to scavenging" I told her. "Oh, Your showing her the ropes?" Dina asked Ellie. "Yep, We just went to see Frank for a new bow for her" Ellie answered. She kissed Ellie on the forehead and waved bye walking off. I felt a jolt of jealousy God, why do I care so much? It's not like we're dating... Plus she's probably not into me anyways... I can hope can't I? Ellie obviously noticed this, changing the subject "So ready to get our permits?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, I guess" I replied getting up. Ellie led me to the Permit dealer it was a man in uniform. "Hey Peyton! Me and Y/N need to head out to the forest can we have a Permit for 6 days?" Ellie asked the man. "Uh-huh" He nodded writing down information. "See you soon, wish us luck" Ellie said. We walked outside of the gates into a forest. "So, is Dina your girlfriend?" I asked. Ellie snorted and looked at me "She wishes" Ellie said. We found a pond and decided to set up camp there.

~ 5 Hours later ~

I sat down in front of the fire Ellie had built, she was gathering sticks for the fire. I was cold, even with Ellies button up. Ellie walked back at fed the flames, then sat by me. "Cold?" She asked. I turned to face her "Yeah.. Kinda" I replied. She scooted closer to me and put her arm around me I leaned against her.

The Hunter (Ellie x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now