Send Me to Earth

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Vol. 2

200 Years' Journey of Living

Table of Contents

Part Seven: Return to Earth

     <46> Send Me to Earth

     <47> Goodbye Jetty

     <48> Blue Planet, Earth

     <49> I Was Reborn

     <50> Michelle Corelli

     <51> I Met My Brother

     <52> Legendary Figures of DK Group

     <53> Thank You, Long Ruan

Part Eight: Evolution of Human World

     <54> Wake from Hibernation

     <55> Collapse of North Korean Regime

     <56> Human Resource Management Co.

     <57> Moranbong Baseball Club

     <58> Hello, Comrades

     <59> Unexposed Reincarnations

     <60> My Son or Great Grandson?

Part Nine: Threshold of the 22nd Century

     <61> Recommend Candidates for Public Office

     <62> Hostility to Capitalism in North Korea

     <63> Illegal Money-Seekers

     <64> My Brother Is in Critical Condition

     <65> Transition of Generations

     <66> Develop New Items

     <67> Capitalism at Stake

     <68> Clamor for Transformation

Part Ten: System Transformation

     <69> My Acquaintances Are Leaving

     <70> Planet Merion?

     <71> System Reform Plan

     <72> RPA Takes Power

     <73> Personal Attack on Me

     <74> My Identity Revealed

     <75> Jupiter's Satellite, Callisto

     <76> Achievements in System Reform

     <77> AI Planning Economy

Part Eleven: Time Went By

     <78> Complete Reunification

     <79> Conspiracy of Secret Government?

     <80> I Need Superpower

     <81> I Resigned from Public Office

     <82> Michelle Met Grays

     <83> Answer from Aliens?

     <84> Popularity of Psychics

Part Twelve: Answer Me, Merion

     <85> Meditation Training

     <86> Sign of Superpower?

Fiction REINCARNATION, Vol. 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن