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Child Again


I wish I was a child again,

Where I can wear whatever I want and not be judged because "I'm young".

I wish I was a child again,

Where I can sleep beside my parents,

Because I'm afraid of the monsters under my bed,

In my closets.

I wish I was a child again,

Where I can carelessly dance in the rain,

and laugh like nothing's bothering me because "I am young".

I wish I was a child again,

Where I can cry to my mum when I'm hurting,

Or just cry because I don't feel fine.

I wish I was a child again,

So I can only worry about who would I play with,

Or when will I go out to play.

Oh how I wish I was a child again.

But I can't.

There are no time machines that could bring me back to those old times.

I grew up to be someone,

And that is what I'll be.

But I just wish I could do the things I used to do.

I wish I could wear any clothes of my own choice,

without getting judged because,

it's too tight,

or too loose

or it's too bland,

or just too bright.

I wish I could have proper time to sleep like I used to.

I wish I could not worry about the monsters,

in my mind and just have a peaceful night,

without waking up in the middle of the night because I had a bad dream.

I wish I could dance in the rain and let loose.

I wish I could cry without feeling anxious because of what they might say.

I wish I could say that I'm hurting,

Even though I smile.

I wish I can bring back time.

I wish I can bring back those days,

Where I was fine.

I wish I was a child again,

But I couldn't.

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