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Not All Poems Rhyme...


Can you hear it?

The silent sobs of a broken girl

every night.

Can you hear it?

The cries of agony,

The pain in her voice,

She's tired of it.

Because everyday she walks in the halls of shame.

Yet, no one ever remembers her name.

Everyday she enters a battle.

A battle that left pain in her eyes;

Scars on her skin.

Everyday she questions if,

She even deserves this life.

To live in a world,

Where she thinks she won't fit in.

But she keeps on going.

Because her life is like a poem.

Written by a broken poet.

Even though no one reads it,

She keeps on writing.

They ignored her;

She's afraid.

Because just like her life;

Not all poems rhyme.

Because not every single time,

We shine.

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