Sasha Cunningham, Yes I got her full name. She's one of the popular girls in her school. She has a liking to me and has considered me part of her group. I don't really know why though.

"Me and girls are going out the beach after school, you wanna come?"

I want to go but...shit...I promised Rachel I would be at home. She wants me to talk about my powers.

"Sorry Sasha, My aunt needs me tonight"I said

" oh that's too bad, maybe next time"she smiled

She pinched my cheek before leaving me alone once again. I went back out into the crowded halls of Las Angeles High. As I was walking a group of girl came up to me with disgust the girl in the middle I despised the most.

Carmen Reeves, the wicked witch of the west. She is a racist and always wants to fight me all the time. I can't stand her presence near me and I most certainly can't wait for her to get expelled. And to make it more shocking she is the gym coach's daughter!

I had my hand on my hips with my eyes rolled to the the back of my head.

"Carmen Reeves, You bring nothing more than disgust to my soul"I said"Your dark every is effecting me, Please go somewhere so I can be pure again?"

"Listen here freak I am not going to stop until you lie in a ditch b*tch!" she hissed

"Ooh I'm so scared"I said foolishly"But still move out of the way"

I softly pushed her aside and walked away. But then I felt her push me and nearly made me fall.

"Face is goth girl you will never make it in this school and I will make sure you fall like the stupid *bleep*  you..."

Before another word came from her putrid mouth I pushed her to the floor, hard. Her friends gasped including the people that were there. I one else down to here and pulled her up roughly to my face so she can hear what I'm about to say.

"You really do surprise me Carmen, if I were you I would shut that smartass mouth of yours before you get smacked"I said in a low tone"And by the way you smell horrible...ew...Do you need a shower darling...Do you , Because to be honest you really do need one, you smell like hate"

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" The students screamed

I flicked her head and got myself back up.

"Savage!" one of them said

"You're going to pay for this!" she hollered

"I don't care b*tch"I said"Bye bye"


After lunch I went up to my locker to go get my stuff. But as I was looking through my locker I felt a slap on my butt.

"Caleb" I smirked"Do you really need to slap my ass? "

I turned to see him licking his lips and trying to go closer to me.

Caleb Warner, My boyfriend. We have been dating for a year now since we first had sex with each other. He's a really nice guys but sometimes he can be a bit of a pervert.

"What, I can't resist" he purred

"Yeah Yeah"I said

" so I'll see you later then"

"Yeah as always, At your place at 8"

" alright see you then"he said

He kissed me before he went away. Every time a 8 Pm we always have sex. He says it's the best way for me to use to doing it with a man. I still feel a little weird about this relationship.

Nah I love him anyway.😋

After school...

I stood at parent pick up waiting for that blue Toyota van to come over to pick me up. The truck they had before was bested up due that thing at the bridge. It was ugly anyway. Even Rachel and Alex admitted it.

Ah ,there it was the van driving the curb towards in front of me. And the two girls I was waiting for.

Alex Perez and Rachel King, My supposedly aunt's who take care of me at our house we live in. In reality they were the ones who were taking care for me for my funeral and some how ended up with them. Not to mention they are part angels too. I can still remember when Alex beat the crap out of me with a baseball bat when I broke into their home.

"Hop on in dude!" Rachel said


We arrived at home were we all went inside. I love the fact that we all seem like family to others but at home we seem more like friends.

"So Rachel what did you want to tell me about my powers"I said

" Well you know about how you became the third person who is going to stop evil right? "


"So Michael, had you have any power problems or anything?"

" Nope"I said

"Well at least tell us how you turned back into a girl"Alex said

" I can't, I have no idea how I did that"

"Oh, I see"She said" Well can you change back? "

"Well that's the thing Alex...I can't"

" WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!? "They screamed

Man they really are making a huge deal out of this aren't they?

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