2) Rain's Mirror

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"Why did you remain? You were quite useless. I needed to succeed. Feelings were just a stepping stone for me. Get out of that state of mind and snap back to reality. Alas, aren't we just humans? We all do have a bit of feeling in our heart. Dealing with the devil released those feelings, so why are you still here?"

I could hear Jin sigh from here. He knew this would be a topic we would talk about later. With my sketchbook in my hand, I ran to the park. I needed some sort of escape. Life was so monotone. Something needed to change, and I longed for that. Seeing kids with their parents was the love I wanted. To be loved was all that I was asking. Money blinds a person's sight. It made them go to extreme lengths. The park was closer now. The moon illuminated the way.

     The sound of someone singing and strumming a guitar caught my attention. His voice was soft and beautiful. The guitar made his voice sound even better. The moonlight that hit his face made him look ethereal. I quietly went to the bench and drew. The moon was placed perfectly on top of his head. It showered him with light. I sketched the side of his face. If Jin knew, he would so angry. After half an hour, I left. He sounded as if he was ending soon. It would be too embarrassing to stay there any longer.

-3rd Person-

     Hana walked down the street. The wind was blowing gently. It started drizzling, her gloomy face uncovered a slight smile. She hid her sketchbook from the rain and kept on walking. The night still went on. Hana wished the night remained forever. However, too much of something can make someone sick of that thing. Still, she walked around the street, enjoying the bright lights of the city. Even when it started to rain harder, Hana kept on walking. She would most likely catch a cold, but she didn't care. The present was the only thing that mattered. She had no control over anything else, so why bother? She grabbed her life by the reins and guided it. Hana would always fall, but the question would be if she could get up to endure more of the cruel world.

     She walked into a music store. The instruments had attracted her. "Welcome! What can I do for you?" The boy on the counter said. The boy had realized that she was staring at the violin and piano. "I see. You would like to play one of those?" Hana had looked at the boy's eyes which were filled with innocence, not the similar to the furious eyes of her parents when she wanted to play an instrument.

     "I'd like to play the violin," Hana said while removing her jacket and placing it on a counter. There was no one in the shop, only a boy and girl. Hana picked up the violin and fine tuned it, adding a bit of rosin on the bow. She put the violin on her neck then raised her bow to play. "It will be showtime," Hana said. She played her heart out. It had its highs and lows. It left the boy in wonder and confusion. He had no idea what she meant, but he wanted to play more songs with her. He sat on the piano bench and accompanied her. They played until, they couldn't anymore.

"Quite the spectacle," Hana said with a slight grin. She had a strange connection with this boy. It felt as if they had met each other before and had been friends for a long time. It seemed like a reunion, even though it wasn't. Hana glanced at the clock in the store. 12 p.m. it read. "Farewell, friend," she said. Hana put the violin back in the case. The boy felt foolish for just staring at her put the case away and walk away into the rain without asking for her name. He felt happy that he could connect to someone. He always felt so distant with the world. Someone could connect him back with the flow.

Hana walked back into the rain. It was time for her adventure to end. She had to face the reality of the situation and embrace it with open arms, if she ever wanted to move on. She couldn't hide from it. Her parents would rat her out. She just wanted to pursue in the creative field. Why did they even bother? They hated her, so why? It was a question she always asked. Was it to maintain purity of the bloodline? Hana was stripped of any interest and out into strict attention and care. All she wore or owned was designer. It never had emotional value to her. They were expandable, easy to throw away. She couldn't even play outside. Hana was left to fend the world on her own. Her only dagger was her mind and at that, it wasn't sharp, only good for creativity. Her coat was the only thing protecting her and the sketchbook from the rain. The city was so happy. It was as if she was the one making it gloomy. She could hear herself walk on the lonely street. The only other sound accompanying her was the rain.

If Hana didn't look angry or stressed, she would look beautiful under the rain. She walked to the street where Jin's home was. Home... Family... Care... Those things were gone. It was a matter of the mask that she put on. She could smile in front of the mirror of media, but she couldn't smile for herself. She looked at her watch again, for she treasured it. She made it herself. The careful engraved gold lines on the leather. Tiny diamonds and emeralds placed neatly on the middle. The little initial made on the gold made it hers to keep. Something that had a little value to her. The rain abruptly stopped. The dark cloud were still there. The raindrops made the watch glisten. She lifted her head to see the fencing in front of the house. A mansion was the only thing she saw, but it was comfortable. Unlike the mansion she lived in where nothing there felt like a home.

       The rain started once again. The sound was ringing in her ears. Tears threatened to escape her eyes. It was the same lonely feeling she had felt. Of course, she could've stayed home. She took out her sketchbook and sat on the wet floor. By now, the pages were soaked with water. Hana threw the book on the floor. She checked her watch once more, but she couldn't see it at all. The sound of the fence opening was clashing with the sound of the rain. The sound of someone running towards Hana was prominent. Hana felt a pair of arms giving her a back hug.

      "You idiot! Where were you?" Jin yelled. He was definitely angry, but Hana's well-being was more important than giving her a lecture. "Come inside before you catch a cold." Jin carried Hana inside, taking her sketchbook as well. Jin loved her as his own sibling. He couldn't bare to see her broken. He missed her smile when they used to play together when they were kids. Hana never had a special glimmer in her eyes. It was as if life was sucked out her, and a robot came to replace her. Jin took a glance at Hana. Her long hair was drenched with water. Her clothing was wet and she was shivering.

"I'm sorry," Hana said while hugging Jin for warmth. Jin felt remorseful. He didn't have a hard path to follow unlike Hana.

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