1) Voice

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"In front of the media, a mask is created, hiding the creature behind it. The voice is distorted and so is the image. The joker appears and fools everyone around it. I fell for it as well and sold myself to the joker. I'll always say 'I'm fine' when inside, I'm screaming for help."

A new year, a new opportunity. More like a new university because my parents didn't accept me going to an art university. I guess that happens when you're rich. They want you to take over and become the most successful person in the family.

They don't care if you're broken.

They don't care if you are hungry or emotionally hurting.

They don't care about your voice and only care if you are capable of taking over.

I started to walk to the front door of the mansion to wait for my cousin to pick me up as usual. He was a counselor at the university my parents wanted me to go to, so they trusted him with their precious 'daughter'. In fact, I wouldn't consider myself their daughter. I don't belong here. My thoughts was disrupted by my cousin.

"Yah! This is how you treat your handsome cousin, Hana? Making me wait for the last five minutes, paranoid that something happened to you when you've actually been having your internal monologue?" He said while shaking his head. I know what makes him forgive me.

"I'm sorry my handsome, loving cousin. How 'bout I make you a deal, Jin?" I said while thinking." If I draw the beautiful Kim Seokjin with roses of all colors and give you the drawing for free will you forgive me?" His face brightens so quickly that you would assume that Jin was a child who was going to get his favorite ice cream. He loved when I drew anything, especially him.

"Deal! Now let's get you to the school shall we, fair madam?" Jin declared abruptly. We both tried to hold our laugh but failed. If someone were to come into the living room, they would think that there were two obnoxiously loud window wipers inside the house. I guess it runs in the genes. "Let's embark on the journey to the car!" I tied my shoelaces and caught up to Jin.

"That's such a nasty color like seriously. A pink Lamborghini? I thought you were a man," I jokingly said.

"Hey! Men can like pink okay? Now stop being a sassy brat," Jin whined. "If you comment on my likings, I'll literally sit by you in all of the classes so be respectful!" I rolled my eyes and went inside the car only to sleep.

After what seemed like forever and a half, the car ride ended and Jin gently woke me up. "Hey Hana? We're here." I groggily opened my eyes. The campus was humongous.

"Uh Jin? You got a job here? Like here? Man, I thought you were a good for nothing." I said. I started clapping.

"I'm so amazing that from just looking at me they gave me the job," Jin said." My worldwide handsome face always prevails. Don't worry Hana, the beautiful genes runs in the family and you got them too." I couldn't hold my smile. Jin always acts like those chill moms. I checked the time on my phone

"Ah shi- I mean ah sunshine! We have to go!" I said. I remembered the time I cursed in front of Jin. It was not a fun experience. Who knew that this boy had Gucci flip flops just to hit someone?

"Okay let me give you your schedule," Jin said while glancing over at it. His eyes widen." Good luck with those medical courses. And because I'm amazing, I'll show you around the university." I follow him. The further we got, I started hated the sight of this place. It made me sick. "Oh that's the room for your first period. Hurry along child and make me proud."

"For the last time you're only 3 years older than me! I'm not a child!" I said while frowning." Anyways, cya later."


It was lunch break. I was already bombarded by tons of questions about Jin. Seeing that he was the definition of worldwide handsome, I couldn't blame them. I called Jin because I didn't want to sit with snakes. I went to his office room to eat there. When I opened the door, I saw Jin in his phone. He didn't notice I was there until I cleared my throat.

"Oh Hana! I didn't! I see you over my handsome face! Sorry," he said, "I made you some ramen." He took out a bowl of steaming, beautiful ramen. I quickly went to eat it. I ate it too quickly and it was done. It was fine because I knew I was an abnormally fast eater. I took out my sketchbook and drew Jin.

"Show me your best pose while I draw you," I said. Jin happily obliged. Little did he know he would have to stay there for a whole 15 minutes. "And done!"

"Show me!" Jin said excitedly. "You're such a good artist. Of course you can make worldwide handsome look even better." I showed him the sketchbook with caution. Jin's face lit up. "I love it Hana! Thank you." Unfortunately the bell rang and class would start. I would maintain this routine for the next months. Jin would always buy me new art supplies and would help me study. He would even get annoyed some days that he was my only friend. It was dark out now and university periods ended.


There was a full moon. It would be perfect to draw. I tried to sneak out of the house.

"And where do you think you are going Hana? As far as I know, you don't have any study groups or anyone to hangout with," Jin said while leaning on a wall near the hallway. I guess I have to run my way out. I swiftly opened the door and ran away to the park.

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