Hunting in the Hallway

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This is my first book but go check out my other book 'Something Worthwhile' its worth reading. ;)

HOPEFULLY this weekend I will be able to update. Fingers crossed!

- Lily Ps Please leave COMMENTS and please VOTE !!!!!!!!

Chapter 1," Hunting in the Hallway"....

Chapter 1

I was coming out of my room on the hunt for a tiger. "Tiger come here. Come out right now or no sardines for you." At the word 'sardines' a little ball of bright orange fluff came barreling towards me at an alarming speed. Tiger hit me like a bowling ball, I picked her up and looked into her pure orange face with bright sparkling green eyes telepathily sending a message to her that she was to cute for her own good.

I had just let Tiger go, not even knowing the reason why I called her, when I heard talking coming from the kitchen, and unless Tiger suddenly was able to throw her voice and never told me there had to be someone in there.

I tried and failed to Jackie Chan it down the hall to the big kitchen but in the middle of one of my fantastic crouch rolls I rolled right into the wall hitting my head. This sent a yelp of pain out through my clenched jaw. I couldn't help being the secret ninja. I always wanted to be Jackie Chan when I grew up, now I am seriously rethinking that as I sat there rubbing my now throbbing cranium. While I sat there I wondered whether or not the person or persons unknown heard me and if they did whether or not they cared and would come investigate. Just as I thought this I heard a cough behind me.

"Oh shit, you saw that didn't you."

The person who coughed took a moment responding, but finally said, " Yes, most of it. Well no I only saw some of it. Let me guess Kung Fu Panda impersonation of Po?" He said chuckling. I was surprized that the voice belonged to a boy. It sounded like a teenager around my age. Slowly I turned around and looked up. My jaw dropped.

He was handsome, like totally sweep you off your feet worthy. I even forgot about my injury. I slowly got up to my feet and wobbled a little but not to much so it didn't matter and I didn't care. God I could just stare at him all day. But while I was oogling him I noticed he was oogling me right back, but rather than my face or even, dare I say it, gulp, chest he was looking down south and not at my shapely legs either. No he was looking right at my undies.

Wait underwear, I wore my underwear in front of a boy I don't even know!!! This is so going to be the end of me. I can see the headlines now "LOCAL GIRL CAUGHT TALKING TO A BOY IN HER LINGERIE", and guess what I'm even wearing the most unsexyist pair that I own. Buzz Lightyear. I know right. Finally I meet a really cute guy and I have to be in the most embarrassing pair of boxers.

A/N: I'll update soon but please VOTE AND COMMENT PLUS FAN!!!! Thanks for reading (~•-•~)

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